290: The last hallway [pt2]

The battle had no end. It was one wave of monsters after another and Rita was getting exhausted. She knew that she could not allow herself to fall since she was the first wave of defense.

But it was tough to deal with these monsters without her magic. She had never needed to fight for this long either.

Their side was slowly losing energy but their enemy had not even broken a sweat. Horas, the last overlooker was just standing at his place and not even moving. It was a hurdle that seemed impossible to overcome at their current level.

But Rita was not going to give up. There was no way she could afford to give up here and now. Not when so much was at stake here.

"This is a reasonable attempt by you to make me give up but humans cannot overcome their limitations on their own. Even you all will fail in the end."

Horas seemed convinced that he would not be defeated today but Rita knew that would not be the case. She will win at any cost, even if she has to lay her life down.