Choosing a Blacksmith or Lover?

Lin Qiye smiled. "Say your request confidently again!"

The girl was stunned. "Why... Why do I have to?"

"If I tell you to say it, say it!"

The girl's face turned red as if it was about to drip blood, but she still did it.

"Do... Do you... have a sword spirit on you? Do you want to forge it? Let me try, okay? I think... I'm fated with it."

Lin Qiye frowned slightly.

"Speak louder and be more confident. Why aren't you energetic?"

"Do... Do you have a sword spirit on you? Do you want to forge it? Let... Let me try, okay? I think I'm fated with it."

"Be louder and more confident."

"Do you have a sword spirit on you?! Do you want to forge it? Let me try! I'm fated with it!"

Qi Baishi took a deep breath and yelled.

After her words fell, her body went numb and weak. It was as if electric currents were flowing through her body, making her feel strange.

However, a shackle in her heart seemed to have been unlocked.