Choosing a Blacksmith or Lover?

Lin Qiye patted Qi Baishi's shoulder.

His voice contained motivation to boost morale.

The young girl's heart was like a string, fiercely tugged by him.

Her temperament was still timid and shy. Two lines of tears flowed down from her pair of sparkling eyes.

The tears could not be suppressed and flowed down her cheeks and all over her face.

She used her small palms to wipe it, but they flowed to her wrist.

She cried like a mess.

"Thank you, thank you...

"I haven't touched a weapon for a year. I... I have let down my master's expectations. My parents don't even believe in me anymore. I lost my confidence a long time ago.

"I don't know where to go. I'm going to leave, and I can't stay by my master's side anymore.

"I don't see any hope...

"Thank you, thank you, Brother."

Her tears fell like rain as she thanked Lin Qiye in a hoarse voice.