Mother To All

Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to a strange feeling that was pulling at me. It was hard to describe what it felt like, and strangely enough, Orphus wasn't replying to me.

Amy was still cuddled into me, so I took my time, slowly got out of bed, and stood up. Even though I couldn't hear the AI, I was still in the Great Tree, and Amy was still sleeping in my bed.

I made sure that Amy was covered, and I kissed her cheek before making my way out of the room. The house was quiet as I left the room, the door silently closing behind me as I followed the feeling that was pulling me forward.

I was led back down the stairs and over to the first floor, where the elevator was waiting for me, already open. This was strange because I had sent no mental note to open this door, and I was sure I had closed it before.

I walked up to the elevator, but I didn't step in right away. The force was still pulling at me, but I was starting to get leery.

*Come to me.*