Life Of Solitude

"I guess that he is the lesser evil, but now that I have you down here. I have never gotten to have a conversation like this before, and I would like to ask that you stay a while longer," Gaia asked, and I grinned.

"Sure, I don't really mind. I can imagine that it has been lonely down here," I said, and Gaia nodded with a tired look.

"I like to listen to the world and the people in it, but I have never been able to have a conversation with another person," Gaia explained.

"Well, since you can talk to me in my head, feel free to talk to me whenever you want. I will try my best to figure out how to get you into a body, but I am going to need some information. I think that you have what I need since you are the mother of all, but I am not sure how to receive the knowledge," I explained, and Gaia put a finger to her lips thoughtfully.

"You mean what a human body is? You want to create your own life?" Gaia asked curiously, and I started to feel uneasy.