Best Possible Choice

This woman and her unknowing of feelings and such were beyond adorable, and I couldn't wait to let her try new things. Even though she probably knew more than all the humans together, she lacked all experience in real life.

Gaia had lived vicariously through everyone else but never had the chance to actually feel the experiences. She had basically lived her life in a single room filled with books, and that was her only connection to the real world on the surface.

"I am sure that you will do great, but now we have to be a bit quieter," I said, lowering my voice as we came up from the ground, and Gaia nodded.

We were just starting heading up the final hundred-foot climb back to the top of the Great Tree. I noticed that people were still coming in on the lower floors, but I hoped Alfredo wasn't working too hard.

I didn't need the animals running themselves ragged on the first day; even if this city was small, there were still over half a million people in it.