Amy, The Elven Seamstress

I chuckled to myself and did just as she said.

Roots grew up from the floor and sprouted large leaves that wrapped around me to form a pair of shorts. Once they were finished, I walked forward and headed to my room as the connections to the roots snapped from the leaves.

They would sink back into the floor like they had never been there. I didn't even have to look; I could feel them being drawn back into the floor.

Once I walked into my room, the door closed silently behind me, but I could see Amy stirring in my bed. The sun was just starting to show its first rays, not visible yet, but slowly burning the night from the sky.

"Where did you go?" Amy asked as she rubbed her eyes, her naked breasts exposed.

I walked over to the bed and smiled as I leaned down to kiss her. Once I pulled back, Amy looked at my chest, which had sticky golden sap smeared on it.