An Angel

"I'm sorry that I did that, but I did go back and get them after! I was just embarrassed that you would give me something like them!" Victoria growled, and I kissed her forehead.

The items in question were things that I had been making to sell, and I wanted to know if the girls thought they would be good gifts. When I was younger, I had tried to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, and I went through a ton of crafting fazes.

"I know, I would go back and check, and they would always be gone. I knew that you liked them, so that was all that mattered. You girls are part of the reason why I ended up making such good money and why I made sure to help you all out the best I could," I explained.

"Mom told me when you were gone that you were the one that paid for our house and my grandparent's bills. She also said that you paid for my college tuition, is that all true?" Victoria asked, and I nodded.