Now That Things Are Settled

"No, you bozo! I want to go flying with you! It looked like a lot of fun, but Vic didn't look like she enjoyed it, but I will! And we can go really fast if you want! I just want to fly through the trees!" Melody exclaimed.

"I would like to have a turn after!" Katie called.

"Me too, Papi! But I want to fly with you!" Called Sofia.

Gaia and Marley also looked excited, but Amy didn't look too interested.

"Sure, but I need a good soak first. I went through a bit of a change, and I think that I need a recharge. How are you all feeling after the trees started growing?" I asked, and I walked through the girls, and they followed me up the stairs.

"I feel content and relaxed now, but I think that is because you know that everyone is mostly safe now, right? I also feel much closer to you now, if that makes any sense?" Melody asked as most of the girls save Gaia and Melody headed in separate directions.