
After two falls, Melody was done with falling, and I was starting to get tired. Melody's retreat was finished, so I flew up down to the tree, landing on the porch of the small little house I had built in the Great Trees branches.

"This is a cute little place!" Melody exclaimed as my wings retracted into my back, and the door opened on its own.

"Just like you, the cute little place I like to call home," I smiled and then kissed her as we walked inside.

"Oh, I am going to give you a place to call home! Now, show me to the bedroom, or I will start stripping here!" Melody declared, and I laughed, pushing her to the stairs through the open living room and kitchen.

"Get up the stairs before you start flinging off layers, or I will just put them right back on you!" I challenged, pinching her ass, making Melody yip and giggle as I chased her up the stairs.

We burst onto the next level of the house, but I had made the top-level completely different.