Queen Of The Forest

"So, what did I get?! And don't think that we are done, mister! You have more in you than that, and I am not going to let you sleep a wink until I am asleep! Even if I have to throw you in the bath to get your stamina back! You haven't even tried to finger my ass yet!" Melody complained, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's see then, boss! You sure have a lot of energy for someone who just got pounded while being tickled to death!" I laughed, and Melody puffed out her chest.

"Just you wait! Give me my new thinger so I can pin you down and fuck you silly!" Melody said and then grabbed me by the nipples, twisting.

"Hey! Stop that, you gremlin! I am going to give you a hot ass if you don't behave!" I said, and Melody hoped, spinning around to shake her lovely, shapely, and round ass in my face.