Visualize The Scene

"So, just to clear something up, before moving forward. We need to know about how my system works, and what abilities you still have," I said, and Orphus nodded.

"I will answer the easiest question first. I have no powers, nothing. The systems are created by the Hiveships central Matrix that sends out the signals. The original was built to be used inside of a controlled environment, but the one that we use only makes one set and that is all. That is the reason why we have to farm the resources off the planet. Your planet and solar system have everything that we need. The most important part of this invasion is to weaken the planet's Spirit. Then we capture it and feed it to the Matrix, but that is impossible now unless you somehow die," Orphus explained, and all of it was true.

"What do you mean, somehow? I am sure there are stronger systems that the Villains have, right?" I asked, but Orphus shook his head.