Unlimited Power

"How much longer do we have?" I asked, still formless.

"That is not something I know, but the System will drag your consciousness back to your body when it is time. There is no point in worrying; I also have some questions for you, Daniel Brighton. This is the name that is registered on your System; is this your true name?"

"No! My name is Absurd! And I am the galactic ruler of the milky way!" I declared in a throaty and pitched voice, and the AI burst with spikes in a violent dance.

"Why would you say something… so absurd?! That is clearly a lie! Yet you say it with so much confidence?!"

"That is because I know it is a lie, and I am not trying to hide it! I was just making a joke, but that points to something interesting," I said. "Can you tell if I lie?"

"Yes. you are, in essence form now, and I can fully analyze everything about your mannerism and speech pattern to determine."