What Did You Say About My Mother?!

I was pulled back into my body, but this was not my body. I felt a sharp pain in my head, and I groaned as my mind tried to comprehend what was happening.

I still couldn't move any body part, but I knew I was no longer human. I was now a machine incorporated into a tree, for lack of a better description at the moment.

[Systeminium level is at 23%]

[Syncing with Host 45%]

[Uploading New functions, WARNING, will cause mental pain from sensory overload.]

Suddenly my head felt like a slot machine, but instead of the same rotating symbols, my mind was filled with new information, but it wasn't even information I could use or understand.

This was like being forced to read an instruction manual in another language I didn't know. At first, it wasn't that bad, but it didn't stop, and I had to read every word that ran by each eye.