Mother Of The Cosmos, Tiamat, The Astral Dragon Goddess

"Everyone fall back. Go help the others deal with the smaller golems that are pounding the others," I explained, and the group nodded. "I need you all to hold out for thirty more minutes, got it?"

"Yes! But be careful. Calishora is very strong, and he has abilities like her Cosmic Breath that are her own. She is the one coming with the other Drakar as their leader, so this is a good chance for you to get to know her abilities. She will be much stronger when she gets here with her true form," Beltzer explained as Timala and him, who he was holding in his arm, were lifted up by Mr. Tree.

"Got it," I growled and looked to Melody, who was smiling at me brightly with her big toothy ape mouth.

"Make sure that you beat her down good! She burnt the fur off me a couple times even with this armor!" Melody said and then thudded off.

"Hero is it you on the other side of this wall that holds my mother's heart in ransom?!" Calishora roared from the other side of the diamond wall.