This Is A Warning

[2nd Origin, 52 billion years ago. Holy Trinity Galaxy Cluster]

Every time the universe is destroyed, it births itself anew, and all life is supposed to be reset. This is called the Origin, and the universe is currently in its fourth Origin.

In the first Origin, all races were unified into one called Annokale, The Spirits. They prospered for over one hundred billion years until they fully reached enlightenment and oneness with the universe.

The Annokale transcended beyond the planes of the physical mortal and crossed into the realm of energy-based beings. They all collectively decided to restart the universe, but the choice of what their new purpose was not singular, but they accepted this.

Because of this slight division before the second Origin started, the oneness became two sides. Knowing this, Star Child, leader of the Annokale, created The Holy Trinity, a cluster of three galaxies with a planet in the center known as Eden.