Victoria's First Time

"So, would you like to keep reminiscing? Or…?" I asked, letting my question trail off, and she gave me a playful frowning glare.

"Is that all you think about?" Victoria asked with a smile.

"No, I have to take poops too. Those take up the rest of the time!" I laughed, and Victoria rolled her eyes at me.

"Can you ever be serious?" Victoria asked as she closed her box, and I did the same to my own.

"I can, but that sounds like a lot of work! And I love when I get to see your pretty smile, so making you use it is beneficial to me," I grinned as we got up to place the chests down. "I also don't want to force you to do this. I can wait, but we are going to-"

Victoria silenced me with a kiss, falling into my arms. I caught her and closed my arms around Victoria as we slowly kissed, but then she pushed back from me.

"Keep eye contact with me," Victoria said, and she began taking her dress off.

"I will do one better," I said and turned my back as I started to get undressed.