Prehistoric Pussy!

I confirmed the choice without hesitation, and Victoria burst with light, and then her body started to change. Not a lot, just growing a shell on her back, horns out the side of her head that pointed up, and a thick lizard tail that stretched between both our legs.

Minor changes and I was still buried balls deep inside her, so we would know how this went. It was almost exactly what she wanted, but I might be a bit biased oops.

"Why do I have a tail and horns? And what is this thing on my back?" Victoria asked, glaring at me.

"Well, you see, I am still getting used to using my powers. I might have, you know, gone a bit off course, but I still hit the mark on the fire flowers! Gotta count your wins somewhere, right?" I asked, trying to hide my uneasy look, but her unimpressed look said I wasn't doing well.

"You did not just turn me into a Koupa!?" Victoria demanded.