Like A Son

That night continued with more fun, and before we knew it, Sofia's image popped into my view.

"Are you going to grace me with your presence today, or are you going to keep pounding the world? Did you even look at the list that is sent over, Papi?!" Sofia demanded, and I grinned.

"Hermosa, Gaia told me all about your list, so don't worry. Sorry, we seemed to have lost track of time, but we are heading over right now," I said, and Sofia nodded and closed the screen.

"She seems quite animated this morning," Gaia giggled as we got up off the moss mound.

"I think that she needs some of my time, but I am only one person," I said with a sigh as clothes wrapped around my body.

"Well, you don't need me to come with you, and maybe you and Sofia should spend some time together. She is one of the hardest-working girls you have and is always trying to further your goals. I think if anyone deserves some attention from you, then it would be Sofia," Gaia said with a smile as she lay back down.