Work First, Tentacle Sex Later

I left Darius and Karla and headed straight to the R&D Great Tree. I knew that Sofia would have a shit fit if I didn't get there soon.

I wish I could complain that I was just talking to people and there was no rush, but that was the farthest thing from the truth. I was the one that told everyone else that, and yet I am the one that wasted the whole night with Gaia.

Wasted might be aggressive because any time spent with the girls was valuable and not wasted. Even if the Darkar and Gideons showed up tomorrow, I still would have had my fun with Gaia. I needed to have breaks, and the girls also needed my attention.

This was part of the Harem aspect that was my relationship, and for better or worse, I had ten girlfriends. Now it was time to go tame the shrew, so to speak.

I flew up to where I sensed Sofia, and the side of the tree opened up for me, letting me fly inside.