Booming Bearded Bastards

"All right, since there are more than a handful of you, Sofia, throw the list up on the display so we can all see it. We are not trying to hide any talents, and knowing what each can do will help you all get abilities that work best with you. Today is going to be a long day, so feel free to get comfortable," I explained, and everyone gave a small cheer.

Sofia gestured to a table on the far side of the room, and the list appeared.

{Author Note: To see this complete list, please check the third Auxiliary Chapter: Sofia's List Chapter 166(In Progress With Chapters)}

"I would like to complain about your choice of name for the military," Aiko Yua, a short, slightly chubby Japanese woman, complained.

"If you say they are sexist, I will hit you with my slipper, Niñita!" Sofia snapped, kicking up one of her golden slippers into the air and catching it expertly like any good Spanish mother.

"Don't call me little girl, Baka!" Aiko snapped back, putting her hands on her hips.