My Cunt

Sofia came back fairly quickly while I talked to the other four and took Terri and Teresa to their floors. Once it was just me and the last four, I turned back to everyone.

"Alright, so Mike, Binder, Jack, and Chiba Hinata… Hinata, right?" I asked, and the taller Japanese woman with blacking hair nodded a few times.

"Hai!" The woman said nervously with an uneasy smile.

"Hello… no, wait, that was yes, not hi. Is your English not very good?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, sorry. I am nervous… I don't understand what you say or laugh…." Hinata said slowly, and I nodded.

"Let me see your hand, and I will make it so you can understand," I said, and Hinata slowly reached her hand forward, but I could tell she was still nervous about things.

I waited until she took my hand, but when she did, I took a deep breath as I started to use Sofia's ability to connect to Hinata's body. The small vines grew like thorns, applying a concentrated numbing agent so there was no pain.