I Might Need To Use The Bathroom

"Alright, Jack. Say's here that you are an Astro Mechanic and that you worked for NASA before this?" I asked, and the broad-chested man with a shaved head and big beard nodded.

"Yup. Bunch of idiots, if you ask me, and just in the business of covering things up! Did you know that we have never been to the moon? Fancy cover-up! All shot in a studio!" Jack Landing declared, and I blinked at him.

"Really? Are there actually aliens in area fifty-one?" I asked, but only half as a joke.

"Of course there are! They have a couple different-"

"Wait! Are you actually serious?! Like, If I go there right now, will there be something for me to find?!" I asked to cut Jack off and make him step back.

"Yeah, I have seen them! There even got some alien tech and craft! Been to that place a few times!" Jack laughed, leaning into me with a big grin.

"Do you wanna go right now?" I asked, leaning in with a child-like smile.