Impending Doom

"What do you mean that it got away?!" Sofia demanded as she got out of the rejuvenation pool and walked out of the ship.

As Sofia walked out, many soldiers were trying to see inside the ship. I knew that they would have a lot of questions, but I didn't really have time to explain things right now.

"I am going to go hunt it down right now, but I want you to go with the others and start exploring the place. Mr. Tree is connected here with these Great Trees, so he will provide you protection if anything goes wrong," I explained as I looked to the south.

"I don't need Arbol Viejo to protect me, but I will take him along to make you happy, Papi. Go get the space lizard, and I will see what I can find here!" Sofia declared, giving me a kiss, and then turned to the rest of the people. "Well, are you all just going to stand there, or do I need to start whipping people to get you all moving? Vamos! Take me to the things that are still breathing!"