Filus, The Gray

Once I was back at the base, there were some soldiers waiting for me, and they guided me over to the building that the Drakar had broken out of. Once I was to the big hole in the walk and turned to the three younger men.

"There is no need to follow me. You can go freshen up in the trees. There will be food and water along with hot showers if you want," I said, and the three men's eyes went big.

"Like real hot water?" One of the men asked, and one of the others pushed him.

"Don't be a dip shit. What other kind of hot water is there? We had cold water if we got them. Just shut up and do as the man says. Be happy he isn't asking you to run laps because that is where I would have you!" The other man snapped, then the other two straightened up, and then the man turned to me. "Thanks for getting rid of that bag of wind, Crass. Your wife is doing some house cleaning as well, but not quite as violently as you did."