2) Room Of Requirements

I changed into the school robes as my other clothes were too worn and shabby.

I must really go for shopping, I remarked mentally.

The fun fact after gaining memories of adult Severus Snape was that I could now remember everything perfectly due to having perfect occlumency.

Well Severus Snape was a complex character.

I mean the man was pretty much hanging on a thread between the light and the dark side.

While many people point out that Severus bullied Harry it was not so simple.

Well he couldn't become buddy buddy with him considering his job as a spy.

He knew that he would have to make the boy hate him so that he can work easily.

If he had been neutral or on a good behaviour with Harry or Neville then Lord Voldemort would have ordered him to influence him or worse make him join their side.

So by being hateful to everyone he completely avoided the option instead helped him from shadows where noone would suspect him as too much mattered on him.

He had given Dumbledore many information about raids, activities which were very crucial during both the wars saved his boney ass when he was dying by the curse of the ring and later granted him a mercy death.

My most favourite thing was that he could adapt to any situation at an instant which made him the perfect spy not to mention his highly advanced occlumency which he practised on his own.

He also created many healing spells and offensive spells as Voldemort had ordered him to do so for the Death Eaters which earned him the place in the inner circle.

His healing skills rivalled or surpassed the healers of St Mungos as Severus learned from the healing books which were given to him by Lord Voldemort and directly practised them on injured people on raids.

While all of them were selected due to their wealth and connections, only Severus was selected for his skills in Spell creation, Potions and Healing which I could respect.

All in all a complex character with high intelligence and keen sense yet blinded and dragged by his own self guilt.

If the man hadn't wallowed himself into guilt then he would have made a great name for himself.

Well atleast I could do that with the combination of his memories, my memories and our skills.

I walked out of the common room which was totally empty at this point of the morning.

I walked past through the walls and corridors into the seventh floor where I spotted the famous painting of the trolls dancing.

I took a breath, time to try this idea and started to think about a place which was filled with money left by students and the founders and the teachers of the school.

Well Gringotts was opened during the fifteenth century so the founders had to store their items somewhere and which could be better place than Hogwarts.

Slowly a door opened after I completed my third step.

I took a breath and entered inside and the sight took my breath away.

There were rows and rows of galleons filled to the ceilings and I spotted some muggle money.

These would be in Millions, I thought mentally calculating the amount of money.

Old families had Millions of Galleons which they had collected from old times and businesses.

I asked for the amount in my head and a slip of paper floated to me.

I looked at the paper, the paper read that there were around 25 Million Galleons still less but then again this money was sitting here and not invested anywhere.

There was a note about 5000 Pounds here.

I looked around and found the muggle currency in a corner.

Well time to collect it, I thought and asked mentally about something in which I can collect all this money.

The answer appeared infront of me five seconds later when a bag which had a endless enlarging charm placed on it.

I started to pour the money into the bag which was a tedious task as the room would not do so.

After an hour and half I had successfully placed all the money inside it.

Time for the next thing as I walked out of the room and again walked three times, this time for all the books and tomes left by founders and students and teachers.

I was welcomed to a library which was half the size of the Hogwarts Library which was saying something in itself as the Hogwarts Library was huge.

Again the same problem arose and the room provided me a trunk which had an expansion charm on it.

This time I started to use the Levitation charm on the books as I was too tired to pick them one by one.

Hah, I was finally doing magic, I though inwardly with glee.

The next important thing I tried to make the room bring was a pensive as I found them cool.

The room provided me 14 Pensives, I cackled loudly.

Here are the objects which are one of the rarest in the Wizarding world and I had now 14 of them.

I kept 13 while leaving one so that I can use it someday in Hogwarts.

Oh I will surely take it back while leaving Hogwarts after graduation.

I now possessed the wealth and knowledge of founders and some Pensives, some nice pair of clothes which were of the same size as me. I will still go for shopping as the style was not of my type.

And the last thing I had were some muggle money and Jewellery.

Of all the things to hide why will a student hide his or her jewellery in the Room Of Hidden Things.

I left the diadem to be there as I didn't know what to do with it at the moment.

I walked back to the Slytherin Dormitories with shrunken trunk and bag in my pockets while stopping on a nearly empty Great Hall for breakfast.

The people sitting there were giving me Odd looks with most of them laughing pointing at me.

I gritted my teeth, they will pay I thought when the time shall come.

For now I will wait and hone my skills and knowledge and will show them when my time shall come.

Afterall I may be a pushover in my previous life due to my orphan status and my skinny body but in this life it was certainly going to be not.

Magic was a curious and wonderful thing to behold and I would certainly like to experiment with it.