3) Leaky Cauldron

I emerged out of the London Railway Station and directly apparated to The Leaky Cauldron thanks to the memories of adult Severus I knew how to apparate perfectly.

The barkeeper was still Tom who lacked a hunched bag and his missing teeth from future.

"What can we do for you Sir?" he asked me as I approached the counter.

I replied quickly "A room without much disturbances" I finished placing some Galleons on the table.

He nodded and smiled toothily "would you like to receive the food on your room sir" he asked.

I nodded and he gave me a key as I lacked the school trunk which I had shrunked and was carrying in my pocket.

I took the key and went upstairs to my room.

The room was Nice and Spacey with a comfortable bed and Table.

I went to the bathroom and changed into some dress robes which I had from the Room Of Requirements and then transfigured them into a jeans and t shirt.

They should hold for some hours, I said as I looked into the mirror.

I took the book which Lucius had given me and started searching for the spell.

Lucius had given a book to Severus on appearances which Severus thought Lucius had given him jokingly and was offended by it and Lucius had given him a potion book to cure his mood.

I though was searching it for another reason.

There may be spells which may help me in my appearance.

A huge broken front nose was not appealing not to mention the yellowing and crooked teeth.

Otherwise all the facial features were having aristocratic traits.

I found the spell for mending nose and teeth and after carefully reading them I decided to try them.

After five minutes when the pain left my face and I screamed some curses to Lucius, thankfully the room was silenced I finally looked into the mirror.

My nose was now small and unabused, my teeth were straight and pearly white and all of them were now complimenting my facial features.

Atleast now I could thank Lucius for his gift.

I smiled and wondered more about magic.

If this was available to muggle world then all the dentists would go jobless.

Now since my face was perfect now, I had to work on my body now but before that there were some things which needed to be checked.

I walked outside the room and walked to the muggle world to buy some basic things for me as I had money now which could be used freely.

Tom greeted me as I arrived with bags on my hands full of clothes and shoes, he complimented me for my change in looks as he heard my voice and recognized it.

I merely smiled at him and asked him to bring the dinner upstairs.

He nodded and I went to my room to change into some more comfortable clothes.

I opened the book which I had found on the Room Of Requirements and immediately placed it in helpful category.

It was a journal of Rituals of the Slytherin family.

Many were rituals which must be performed on snakes to make their venom more lethal or make them bigger in size but there was one which had intrigued me.

It was ritual for a person in which he goes through a ritual which helps him awakening the dormant magical blood.

It was a ritual which was created by Herpo The Foul who couldn't perfect it but was instead perfected by Salazar's grandfather.

It will help me in awakening dormant magical blood which will help me in inheritance test.

Old Severus had not applied for the test as by the time he left Hogwarts he made enough money for his own by potions and he was a damn prideful one.

Well I could inherit the Prince Family as there were no more Princes left of the main line after my mother and me.

Time to go for the ingredients of the Ritual I thought and went towards the Knockturn Alley with a hood on my face.

I was still confused about the situation caused for which Chaos had sent me here, little did I know that the situations were lying on Forbidden forest unconscious and being carried to Infarmary by Hagrid.

I walked into Knockturn Alley with a hood on my face and arrived at my first stop which was a Wand Shop.

Technically the shop used materials which were banned by Ministry which was the reason the shop was very secret and pricy.

I walked inside and the old man behind the counter spoke monotonously "what can I do for you"

I looked around the shop, it contained plates and tea sets and other items.

I spoke up the password "the weather's nice today"

The man looked at me for a second but replied "but one must always carry an umbrella" he finished.

He looked at me as I removed my hood.

"Never seen you here" he asked simply but this was going to be an interrogation I inwardly thought.

"Do you know your every customer when they come to buy from you" I amusedly said staring at him.

"No, but I can recognise them slightly" he replied with a snort.

"Look I am not a ministry worker, if I was I would have been nearly killed by the number of intent based wards you had placed here" I spoke up annoyed with the topic already, I had works to do.

"Very well then" he said and led me to the backside of the shop.

He took a tape and measured me.

"Bring the wood and Material which calls you" He said and left me alone.

I looked at the pile of woods and called my magic and let if flow within my body, this technique was also used by adult Severus to perform some Wandless magic.

I felt various pulls all at once but I followed the strongest one.

It led me to a White wood which I recognised instantly as Yew, 'cool' I thought.

After picking the block of wood, I followed the pull and it led me to a jar which contained some black mass.

I went to where the old man was and placed them infront of him.

His eyes slightly widened but he kept his silence and said in a bored tone "Come in two hours."

"Make two" I said to which he looked at me curiously.

"One must always have a spare" I said and he smirked and replied "atleast you're not stupid unlike others."

I nodded and went to buy some ingredients for rituals which I had read and decided to try out during summer.

Any ritual will suffice unless it will corrupt my mind, body or soul.

Afterall rituals were like cheat codes in this life and I would be fool to avoid it just because some people believe them foul and dangerous.

When I arrived after two hours the man gave me a box and inside it were two wands with a sick looking white handle attached to it.

"13⅓ inch Yew with Thestral Heartstring, my finest and most dangerous creation till now capable of performing any magic if the user is good enough. I expect great things from you and your wand Mr Prince as Yew never chooses mediocres" he said looking at me.

"How?" I asked curiously as the man knew my name, well he did nearly knew my name

"A trade secret" the man smirked and I smiled.

"How much" I asked to him.

He though for a moment "1000 Galleons as they are custom made, with wrist holsters free along it and trace proof" he monotonously replied.

I gave him 1500 Galleons which he counted and tipped his hat to me.

I gave a half smile and left the shop.

"An Interesting Man for sure" The old man said as he watched the man leave his shop.

He waited for another hour and closed the shop with a happy mood as it was not everyday you receive a bonus of 500 Galleons.

Thestral Heartstring a curious material, perhaps it was due to my death I thought and chuckled and walked to my room.