4) In Hogwarts

Harry woke up with a groggy head and looked around to where he was.

The last thing he remember was the Death Eaters attacking Bill's wedding and he being apparated with Hermione and Ron.

He took his glasses and found it besides him.

He placed it and saw that both Hermione and Ron were talking in a corner sitting on their bed.

He spoke with a raspy voice "Ron, Hermione"

They both turned to him and their faces turned to that of joy.

"Harry", "Blimey mate" were the shouts of both Ron and Hermione before he found being crushed in a hug by both of them.

Harry was glad that his friends were safe, he looked around and the place seemed awfully familiar to the Hogwarts Infirmary.

"Hermione, where are we?" he asked his throat till sore.

Hermione gave him a glass of water "drink it Harry" she said.

Harry took a sip and immediately felt nice.

Hermione and Ron were fidgeting "Harry, It may sound odd to you but we have some sort of time travelled and are now in 1976" she spoke without taking a break.

Harry paused and considered her words again "Hermione, this is not the time for joke" he said trying to be serious but at the same time the door opened and Professor Dumbledore walked with another Elderly man who was around in his seventies or eighties.

Harry looked at Professor Dumbledore and his breath stopped. He was alive, he clearly remembered him dead after Snape killed him.

His eyes couldn't hold more and tears started flowing.

"Mr Potter, I am pleased that you are awake, your arrival has quite a commotion for me" he said with his ever present twinkle that Harry missed so much.

Harry nodded back dumbly.

Dumbledore took a look at the boy and couldn't help but wonder that the boy really was an exact twin copy of James Potter with Miss Evans Eyes.

He already had confirmed the other two's claims about coming from the future through legilimency and the boy's connection through Potter's with Blood tests.

He was going to take a look at Mr Potter's mind as the other two had said that Harry was his favourite.

"Mr Potter, let me introduce to my friend Fleamont Potter or should I say Grandfather" Dumbledore amusedly said.

Fleamont chuckled at the antics of his friend whereas the trio gaped at the man.

If Harry's guess was correct then this was his grandfather.

"He really have the Potter Look" Fleamont spoke with fascination.

Harry held his hand out for a handshake but the older man swatted him and took him in a hug.

For the first time Harry experienced a hug from someone from his family and he basked in the warmth of it.

"You are my grandson, there are no need for formalities here" Fleamont Potter spoke up with happiness and joy in his voice.

"Euphemia will be overjoyed to meet you" he finished with a joyful smile.

"And we are here to discuss that" Albus Dumbledore interrupted the family moment.

Harry looked at Professor Dumbledore and understood his words, they were suspected because of their sudden arrival.

He couldn't fault that infact he was happy that he was doing this afterall the last time he forgot to do this, he was killed by Snape.

Snape, the bastard was alive and probably in leagues with Voldemort, his though alone made Harry boil with rage.

"You can check it via Legilimency" Harry offered as he was hardly any good in Occlumency and Dumbledore would poke in his head no matter what.

Dumbledore nodded and made eye contact with him.

After ten minutes of Eye contact between two of them.

Dumbledore looked down, tears forming at the end of his eyes for this young man who shouldered a heavy fate, a boy who suffered very much from his mistakes.

"I am sorry for what you had to go through" he said honestly regret and sadness laying in his voice.

Harry just nodded, his mind still jumbled slightly after replaying his whole life infront of his eyes.

He looked at Fleamont and nodded "The information you have given will save thousands of lives my boy" he said gently looking at Harry.

"Madam Pomfrey had cleared you out, I hope you and your friends will enjoy the rest of their summer with Potter Family. If you don't mind I would like to share some of the things with some people whom I trust very much, I hope you will agree Harry" Dumbledore said gently.

Harry was gaping, he was going to spend this summer with his father and his family and his friends.

Harry nodded, as long as lives would be saved and Voldemort defeated he couldn't care about anything else.

"Since you three are struck permanently we will have to create some new identities for your friends and I would like you to sign an unbreakable vow with me which would help in keeping the silence over this matter as a little information if fallen into wrong hands would be dangerous for you three. People will come after your lives" Dumbledore calmly said and Fleamont nodding as this was a high level secret.

The three nodded, atleast it would prove helpful as the three knew how much was at stake at this.

Dumbledore nodded happily, he hated doing this but this was extremely necessary.

"How many people will you tell about it Professor" Harry asked to Professor Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stroked his beard "probably three or four including Fleamont. Your Grandfather will be there to tell you about that. The Potter family would also be told about your situation but nothing more than that. James too would have to take the vow in order to keep silence as well as Sirius since he is living with the Potters if I am well informed" Dumbledore spoke gently to which Fleamont nodded

Harry nodded, it was for safety he knew it.

"And another thing upon which I must stress upon is that there are people who are yet not what they are in future so keep that in mind and help them to be better or don't hold grudges against them. Another thing I want to stress is that after your arrival the timeline won't be same and the future you know is completely changed so I would like you to remember that" Dumbledore lectured the three of them as he suspected Harry will do something rashly but he trusted the boy's heart as his older self did.

The three of them nodded and Harry smiled at his Grandfather who smiled back and he left them to their discussions.

Right now he had many important memories to sort out and a word that stilled his soul for a moment 'Hocrux' he couldn't help but keep looking at his mistakes.