5) Goblins

On the third day when I was staying in the Leaky Cauldron, I decided to visit Gringotts as the second day was totally spent in Rituals.

It was a good thing that the Rituals took a short time only an hour to complete.

After completing the first Ritual I waited for seven hours to perform another smaller Ritual.

According to Salazar's personal journal this Ritual was very helpful for him.

Who knew Salazar Slytherin was a womanizer.

According to his claims in his journal, he was quite famous with the fairer sex.

This Ritual was discovered by him from a tribe of wizards who were skilled in charms.

This Ritual helped the features in face align perfectly with each other making the person facial features handsome as well as giving him slight increase in charisma, durability and stamina both in Normal life as well as in bed.

The last one was highlighted by Salazar. According to his notes, this ritual also helps in the increase in length downwards and a tightness in women's Vagina.

Ofcourse Severus was blessed with a good pack downwards but I ended up doing the Ritual anyway as the Ritual gave charisma which I could certainly use someday.

Voldemort lured all of people with his charisma into following him, a little bit won't hurt me.

So here I was walking into the Gringotts Lobby looking at the bastard Goblins who never showed respect even if I gave them that from my part.

I walked to a teller and asked him who was looking and counting some Rubies "where can I take the inheritance test?"

The goblin was annoyed but looked at me after a minute "Griphook take him to the Sharknail"

Ahh the famous Griphook arrived and led me to Sharknail.

Well the Goblins looked pretty evil if you saw them with their sharp teeth and pointy fingers.

Griphook knocked the door and a gruff voice of "come in" was heard.

I entered and Griphook left me with the older Goblin who was probably Sharknail.

"Are you here to try and get lucky boy then you can leave" he said to me.

I looked at him and amusedly said "it won't matter if I will get something or not, I will already pay for the test so I would take the chance"

The goblin looked at me and snorted "Pour seven drops of blood into the basin boy" he said indicating to the basin which was filled with some liquid.

I took the dagger which was kept beside the basin and cut my hand and dropped seven drops of blood.

I then casted an 'episky' with my wand which healed the cut completely.

The liquid started bubbling and the Goblin placed a paper into the basin.

Words started to appear on the paper and Goblin grunted unhappily "it seems you are lucky."

I merely shrugged and the Goblin took out the paper read it and scowled and passed it towards me.

I looked at the paper. It read :-

Severus Edward Snape





He was stunned after reading it. Four families, he was the heir to four families, Severus thought in delight.

He looked at Sharknail who was inspecting him curiously.

He asked the Goblin "can I meet the account managers" I asked him.

He nodded and barked something in their language.

Within moments another Goblin appeared and started to lead me through corridors to another Room.

The room had DAWN written on it.

There was an order of "come in" when the young Goblin knocked the door.

I entered inside and inspected the Goblin who was staring at me curiously.

He was middle aged with two scars on his face which made him look feral.

"Are you the new Heir Dawn" he asked me.

I nodded and he smiled with a feral look "Good I am Skullcrusher and I will be the new Dawn account manager."

I gave a half smile "It's nice meeting you Skullcrusher, I have a question why are the other family account managers are not here?" I asked curiously.

He gave me a look which screamed that I was stupid asking that question.

"The Prince Family is an Italian one and it's vaults are in Italian Gringotts. The Romanov and Whitlock families are similarly Russian and French and have their accounts in the Gringotts there. All though our services are global there are various branches in which different families all over the world open their accounts" He explained as if he lecturing a child.

"So am I rich?" I asked him curiously.

"Technically the Prince family is the Wealthiest in Italy, the Dawn accounts are closed for more than 150 years but are in top twenty in Britain, the Romanov and Whitlock family were dead for a century so it would be possible to say that they would be in the top ten as both the families were rich with savvy businessmen.

I nodded "so let's bring back the Dawn fortune back into circulation" I said.

The goblin nodded happily as money making was one of the few favourite things to Goblin.

"You will not be allowed to enter the family vault till the age of 17 but you can enter the Heir vault which houses 50000 Galleons and is refilled upto that limit" he explained.

I nodded as I expected that however it did not say that I can't invest those money in the family vault.

"Now let's talk about business" I said and started explaining him my business plan.

At the end of two hours he laughed "you are a cunning one Heir Dawn" he said with another laugh.

"I try" I amusedly replied.

"Your plan have huge risks but if they passed then you will be the wealthiest in the wizarding world" he said after stopping his laughters.

"And won't that be beneficial to you as your reputation will increase with increase in my fortune" I pointed out.

The Goblin glared slightly but I just rebuffed it.

The Goblin was not that arrogant compared to the others I had met in the Lobby.

"Farewell Skullcrusher and I hope you may tell me the tale of your name in next meeting" I amusedly spoke and left the room.

"Cheeky brat" Skullcrusher spoke and sent missives to Gringotts Italy, France and Russia and lost himself on the memories of his glorious days of the fights.