6) Time To Go Home

I sat at my Room in The Leaky Cauldron wondering on what to do.

The Dawn Manor was on lockdown till I reach the age of 17 so I can't go there and I was getting incredibly bored by just spending my time alone in the The Leaky Cauldron.

So I decided to visit the Ice cream shop.

Ice cream was okay and I ate it heartily until the shop owner who owned Fortescue Ice creams glared murder at me.

The reason was chatting with his daughter Alice Fortescue who was working on the shop during her holidays.

Surprisingly she recognised me on my first visit even after my facial changes.

She later told me that it was my voice which gave it away.


I was just going to receive my order when the helper gave me my ice-cream.

I thanked him and she asked me "Severus Snape?"

I later recognised her as Alice Fortescue, mother of Neville Longbottom, permanent resident of St Mungos.

Surprisingly she looked exactly like Natalie Dormer of my life.

I tried to remember more about her. She was a bookish person with not much friends and she always was alone and never hanged around the other Airheaded girls of Gryffindor.

She also had given him a handkerchief one day when she found him being hexed and with a bleeding nose.

So which made her earn points in my opinion and the only likable one in her house.

We made some small talk and she went back to her work.

After that this became routine in every two hours as I went to eat ice-cream because of being bored and she making a conversation with me as I was one of her yearmates.

She was initially not much opening but when I went into the talk of studies she instantly perked up showing her knowledgeable side.

Flashback Ends

"You know Severus that you should join auror forces" she said to me as I told that I would most probably get all O's in the OWL's.

"I just want to be left alone" I said to her which was the truth.

"But they won't let you Severus, You are smart, creative and powerful and if the rumours are true then you can create spells too already. They won't let you remain neutral for long" she said sadly and I could clearly tell that she was telling truth.

I nodded, offcourse telling in one of the discussions that I wanted to remain neutral in the war shocked her as she expected me to join my friends.

After that she started talking more with me.

According to her, her female friends in Gryffindor lacked the conviction hence she never really liked hanging around them much as they always talked about

I ofcourse told her about some rules in Slytherin and its heirachy.

She was not surprised at this as she had guessed it already.

Her exact words "it makes sense mainly your sitting arrangements and your group formations"

I replied "I know that's why I have to co-operate with them so that I may be left alone. I don't want enemies in my own house for now" I finished with a sigh.

Alice nodded, she understood what he was saying.

She herself had seen the Marauders going after him first many times.

"You know your father's pretty scary with his glares directed towards me" I amusedly said

Alice sighed "he is afraid since I am a growing girl" she said with a half smile.

"So is he thinking that I am trying to woo you?" I asked with a smirk.

She replied back "yes."

"Hn" I replied back simply

"Will you like to meet him?" Alice asked smirking, no doubt she was going to enjoy this.

From the little time I had spent with her I knew that she had quite a deep hidden mischievous self.

"Well sure Let's go" I said to her simply, it felt nice to burst bubbles sometimes.

"Dad this is my classmate at Hogwarts" Alice led me to her father who was behind the counter.

"Hello Mr Fortescue, I am Severus Prince" I introduced myself holding out my hand and letting the Prince Heir Ring become visible.

The man looked at me and took the offered hand "nice to meet you Mr Prince."

I nodded and then he started to grill me more about my studies, my house and my ambitions.

"So your dream is to become something sort of a researcher" He said to me.

I nodded as I wanted to research on all the different branches of magic and various aspects afterall being a researcher was my previous life's dream too.

"Any luck in your intentions" he asked curiously.

"Oh yes, I have modified many recipes and created some potions and invented many spells sir" I replied back with the proper respect.

The man's eyes widened as spell crafting was a very rare and difficult art and I was still a boy in age.

"Would you like to present one" he asked curiously.

I nodded and thought about the perfect spell.

With a flick of wrist my Yew wand was in my hand as the Old Severus wand was no longer much compatible with me.

'Langlock' I thought and pointed at Mr Fortescue which hit him and he tried to say something but suddenly couldn't say anything.

I applied the 'Finite' charm and the spell was countered.

"That spell sticks the tongue to the roof of the mouth making them unable to speak" I explained to him.

The man nodded "useful for duelling" he commented to which I nodded as the spell will mostly prevent the people who can't cast non verbally to cast spells and it will be easy to take them out.

Our conversation ended after some time and I left the shop leaving a bewildered Alice who never thought I would be able to impress her father in one meeting.

I packed my bags as I walked out of the Leaky Cauldron with my shrunken trunk.

It was time I go to Severus home and eliminate Tobias for the betterment of Eillen who would then be on a healing regime as the woman's mind was broken by the abuse Tobias had placed on her.

She was now like a zombie who was hateful at everything even her own son.

I personally thought that everything had left a scar on her mind and she must be mentally treated.

Well time to fix some things for Severus as a thank you for Old Severus giving him his body.