7) Funny thoughts

Harry had never been more happier in his life than now.

For the moment there were no prophecies hanging over his head, no Dark Lord hounding his life, no Dursleys.

It has been only three days since he arrived in the Potter Mansion and he was already over the moon.

He had met his family, his grandmother had cried seeing him for the first time and his father and Sirius were staring dumbly at him

When the atmosphere was alone with him his father's first question was "Did I really end up with Lily?"

The man was then overjoyed whereas Sirius just fanned his father's fantasies and talks.

Speaking of his mom, he wanted to meet her one time and maybe know her and be her friend.

His dad was very funny with his antics, never stopping with his questions to him.

His father's reaction to him during their first meeting would be his favourite.

His exclamation of "Merlin's pants" earned him a glare from his grandmother.

Surprisingly her grandmother had taken Hermione under her wings and Hermione followed her everywhere as her grandmother taught Hermione more about everything.

The four of them were playing Quidditch and his father was showing his broom skills.

He had to admit that his father was very good at this at par with Angelina or Alicia.

His father was in arms when he heard how Snape had treated him during the potions lessons and both Sirius and James had to be stopped when they learned from Ron that Snape killed Dumbledore.

His father and Sirius were ranting on how that person was deep into Dark Arts and how they knew he would surely become Death Eater.

His grandfather had to calm both of them down and scolded them both and said that this had not happened yet so the boy was not at fault.

His Father and Sirius moods didn't came down for some time but they decided that they will prank him more in Hogwarts to which Ron eagerly agreed whereas Hermione reprimanded them but was silenced by Sirius pointing out that he was Dumbledore's killer and the reason Voldemort took over the Wizarding world which made her shut up.

Harry had to agree at that, Dumbledore was the only one who could stop Voldemort.

Dumbledore had personally told him via his phoenix that the prophecy was no longer valid and Harry had never been more happier.

He will still help in fighting him and will join the Order this time to defeat him for good.

Dumbledore had strictly warned them and sworn regarding the secret of Voldemort's immortality.

Everyone in the family swore the unbreakable vow which they did eagerly to protect the three of them.

His Grandfather had brought Charlus Potter with him who was married to Dorea Black.

He was his great Uncle and Harry was going to play as his son.

Hermione will retain her name but Ron will have a new identity.

Charlus and Dorea were overjoyed and immediately decided to spoil him.

Later his father told him that they both were actually a parent of a boy but he died.

Since then he started to spend most of his time with Charlus and Dorea.

His grandfather was happy that his brother was having a child to take care of and he later told him to treasure Charlus always to which Harry nodded enthusiastically.

Apparently his grandfather had opened up vaults for him and his friends so that they would have money for shopping and school supplies.

When Professor Dumbledore told them that they were 16 years old the trio was shocked as they were already adults when they were in their time.

Professor Dumbledore theorized that it was due to the same event which led them here.

He missed Ginny, Remus and everyone else and Ron confided him that he too missed them.

But they both understood that they had the chance to build a better future for them.

He didn't have his invisibility cloak now though his father was happy to share the cloak with him.

Professor Dumbledore also told them that the future was already changed so they won't have to worry about it and can act freely. He also told them that the three of them will be in their sixth year along with his father and mother.

Harry felt nice as he had finally found home.

Dumbledore POV

I watched the memories over and over for any possible clues to defeat Tom.

The destruction that Tom brought was great and Albus Dumbledore couldn't help but think he failed the boy.

He knew the path of power was attractive but it came with it's own difficulties.

He himself had walked in that path during his time with Gellert.

Till now only Alastor, Fleamont and Charlus knew about the trio and seen their memories.

The Potters were enraged at seeing what the boy had gone through but Alastor was impressed heavily and told them that the boy was determined.

Alastor was already hounding for more direct approach with Voldemort but he decided it was not the time for it.

Hocrux, splitting his soul to live forever and then placing them in founders items, truly his student was gone.

He was already trying to locate the position of hocrux as it was still not confirmed where they were or how many has Tom formed till now even completely.

Another matter which caught his attention but he didn't shared with anyone was the matter of his killer Severus Snape.

To anyone other it may have been missed but Dumbledore saw that he was dying slowly in the memories as he was getting weaker.

He understood that his death was a well constructed plan between him and the boy so that the mastery of Elder Wand will not fall onto the hands of Voldemort.

He understood that because he himself had said to Harry that he trusted Professor Snape with his life and if his older self had said that it surely meant that the boy had full confidence of him.

The boy had cured him of the curse which meant he was a highly skilled wizard as not everyone could undo Tom's curse, moreover from Harry's memories it was clear that the boy was capable if creating spells and modifying potions just in his fifth year.

His genius and skill reminded him of Tom and him and he wondered how he never noticed the boy.

He would have to keep a good eye on the boy and try to bring him into the light as his skills would be very dangerously for the light side if he joined the Dark Lord.

Moreover if the boy could be brought into the light then he will be a very powerful ally for them due to his skills which will surely grow with time.