8) Healing the Bonds

The priest finished "amen"

"Amen" I said along with mother Eileen Snape who too mimicked that as she had never entered the church after her wedding.

The funeral ended and me and my mom went back to our home.

I had opted a personal funeral with the Priest, me and mom only.

To the world Tobias Snape died on the outskirts of Spinners End when he met an accident with an incoming Truck.

I hope he was not reincarnated anywhere after meeting his death at the hands of our beloved Truck-Kun.

Ofcourse he was drunk and he couldn't control his actions due to the drink which was the official version of the story.

The police has arrived and briefed about it to us.

Mother's face was shocked and she started crying over it.

When the police left she was still crying while the police thought I took the news in stride and told me about the formalities about taking the body from them.

Offcourse when she stopped crying she was happy and suddenly grabbed me in a hug and was in the joy.

Talk about being mentally unstable after that I had to knock her out with a 'stupefy' and put on some wards which masked the magic I was going to do inside the home now.

After four long hours of being in her mind and accessing her memories which she had deep buried in her mind and were affecting her subconsciously she started to show the signs of recovery.

Legilimency was delicate and needed to be done calmly and the user must be skilled to breeze through the victim's mind without causing damage in order to heal her mentally.

After another two hours when I had seen all her memories of her life how Tobias forced himself upon her and how he manhandled her and everything I slowly let her relax and let her view one by one.

She must be able to accept herself if she wanted to heal.

During the night when the session ended, I heard her sobs but I couldn't do anything as this was necessary and she must deal with it to move on.

She knew that I used legilimency on her and in the morning when I woke up there was a coffee on the table with some breakfast during which some awkard talk were made.

She threatened me not to use Legilimency more and apologized for her behaviour to which I gently reminded her as if she were have been more kind then Tobias would have been more cruel to me and finished her apology with a quiet thank you.

She nodded and smiled slightly.

After the funeral ended, she walked with joy and bounce in her steps.

Her body was still weak and I decided to make some musculature potions which were some of adult Severus personal creations which Lord Voldemort had demanded for his Death Eaters who were broken out from Azkaban.

I still needed to go for some potion supplies for that.

Mother was cooking food and we were eating our lunch when she spoke up "Tomorrow I am going to search for some job in Muggle world."

I was curious but had a doubt about what she was going to do "why?"

"I need to earn some money for us and your supplies" she said while drinking a sip of water.

"Why not magical world" I asked her curiously as I took a bite from the sandwich.

"Tobias broke my w wand" she said with a sad voice and stammered at the last part as she remembered the incident.

"There is no need for that" I said simply.

"You are not doing anything illegal aren't you?" she asked her voice holding a hint of edge.

"Nope" I smiled, she was already overprotective as she thought that she had missed most of my childhood so she was too much worrying over small things for me.

It felt nice to be cared.

"I was in Diagon Alley two days ago when I visited Gringotts and found this" I said summoning the results of the inheritance test which came flying to me.

She took the paper and started to read it, she already knew about the Wards as she was a pureblood and learned about Wards from childhood but didn't questioned about it to her son where he had learnt it as they were not taught in Hogwarts.

As she read the paper, she couldn't believe it, her son was the heir to Prince family.

She had always believed that her parents would disown Severus too but it seems they had not.

The more she read the more her disbelief grow, he was heir to another two houses both extinct from his father's side and another family whose last member married into their family more than a century ago.

She looked at his son who was eating the food non chalantly as if he didn't cared about anything in the world.

At her glare, he sighed "I too don't know, I just did the inheritance test and these were the results" he said with a bored tone.

She understood, it was not easy to trick the Goblins in the matter of finances.

She couldn't help but worry as her son is now the Heir and will be the Lord of four houses next year. This will be huge for him and she couldn't help but wonder that her parents would have been proud of the boy.

Hell she even didn't knew that Tobias was a squib or was a descendant of magical family.

Severus spoke up "no need to fret up so much"

"You don't understand the magnitude of this" she replied seriously.

"Oh don't tell me that I would have to marry four women" he said in mock horror.

At her serious glare, he faltered and surprisedly spoke up "don't say what I said was true"

At his bewildered face, she replied amusedly "well technically you could" which was true.

"Oh, I never knew about that" he said with surprise in his face.

"Let's forget that, we have to buy you a new wand and I too want one from Ollivander as my old one is not working not to mention make some potions for you" he said and Eileen smiled.

It felt nice to have her sanity and mental peace back and she was thankful for him for that.