9) Thoughts

It had been five days since Tobias funeral and four days since I and mother bought wands from Ollivander.

My new wand from Ollivander was Ebony with Phoenix feather.

Well it was a surprise for me too as I found it on my 46th attempt, the wand felt comfortable and compatible with me.

I thought I would get one with Dragon Heartstring as my previous Ollivander wand was that of a Dragon Heartstring too.

Though I still loved both my Yew and Ebony Wands equally.

Mother got a wand of Cherry and Heartstring of a Chinese fireball.

She was ecstatic to get her wand back and started to use magic to clean the home.

I just sat in my room which was now fully redecorated and read through some of the books what I had found in the Room of Requirements.

I had decided to not use the musculature potion on me but was giving it to mother as I had found another potion for me.

Mother was already showing signs of gaining weight and I was confident that she would be healthy after seven or eight days of Potions.

The Potion I had found was in the journal of Salazar who was trying to make it during his later stages of life.

I had checked and found that many no nearly all of the potions he created were never patented.

Well it was time to be a credit stealer and make them my creations slowly.

Sue me if you can.

Though I will use the lesser potions as patents, the better and interesting potions will be a secret which I will use only for my benefits.

One of the most interesting ones which I found was one in which he created a potion that helps to increase bone growth, density and muscle fibres, increased metabolism.

The potion interested me very much, moreover the potions effects were permanent.

A potion with permanent effects was not so simple to create.

For others the potion could be a simple potion but I recognised the effects, its effects were somewhat similar to the super soldier serum that was used in Captain America project in movies.

The serum ultimately changed the we weak and short Steve Rogers into Captian America.

I decided to do some tweaking into the potion recipe by which the potion could also strengthen a person's magic as well as provide more increase in metabolism.

After Thirty two hours I was successful in doing the first while slightly increasing the latter as potions with permanent effects were tricky.

The ingredient I added was dragon blood which was also used in a similar ritual that I had planned to do.

The potion would not help anything mentally but then again you can't get everything in life.

I thanked mentally to Lord Chaos who atleast gave me the memories and skills of Severus Snape till he died both in movies and books.

Right now I was creating the potion and it was going on nicely.

There was still a hour to left for the potion to complete after which I will test it on a Rat and a Cat and then finally on me.

It was not that I believed in Salazar ok I don't believe in Salazar completely as old Severus was paranoid which was a good quality which I too had now.

Magic interested me very much and I was thinking of various ways to use it to increase my strength.

I couldn't rely on time to get stronger as the wars were getting closer and I knew that I was going to be hounded by the Dark Side to join them.

The only opposing side to Death Eaters were the Order of Phoenix which was filled with conceited people with big egos.

During the first war even after all the efforts of Dumbledore the Dark Side was overwhelming everyone.

Death Eaters were lost too but the other side suffered more heavily.

I just wanted to be neutral and outside of this war but it will be of no use as both sides will start to recruit heavily.

The recruiting for Severus started more heavily from Dark Side when he scored all O's in OWL's and NEWT'S which were not achieved by anyone in his batch.

The Dark side had skilled wizards in Bellatrix, Lucius who too was skilled in his own right, Severus, Lestrange Brothers, Barty Crouch Jr, Antonin Dolohov a champion Duellist, Augustus Rookwood etc.

Each were skilled, though the light side had Dumbledore and some aurors it was not enough.

During the First Wizarding War, the Dark Side heavily used tactics, each department had spies and supporters, each attack planned to deal maximum damage.

Voldemort utilised the Death Eaters in such a way that the Light Side never knew where and when they would strike next.

He was sane till 1980 after which he started to get insane with the creation of more Hocruxes.

I had the clairvoyance and high knowledge from the blessings of Lord Chaos and the intelligence of Severus mixed with the analytical mind of my previous life.

Dumbledore and Voldemort were powerhouses in themselves and it will be a long journey to match them.

But power was not everything there were many factors such as skills and surprises.

A sudden surprise will be enough for a moment of victory.

For example the moment when Voldemort and Dumbledore dueled in the Atrium of The Ministry, Voldemort fired the 'Umbra Cantariarum' which was created by Severus who had presented it to Voldemort during the First War when Voldemort had given him the idea of the spell.

The spell could shred anything in its path and Voldemort wanted to shred meat and bones of his enemies with the spell.

The spell was very powerful and if the user is skilled enough then he can use it to create a force bomb which could cause strong shockwaves.

The Shockwave was strong enough to take on Dumbledore with surprise.

If Voldemort had fired instantly after the spell, he would have got Dumbledore but he stopped his assault and let him time to recover.

Such spells were too advantageous and I would certainly need more of them in my arsenal.

This summer was going to be spent mostly in Spell creation, learning magic and honing my skills in everything afterall I was sent by Lord Chaos and he would not accept mediocrity afterall he could send my soul for eternal damnation if he was not pleased with me.

I had knowledge of various fictional characters with fictional powers, with magic I could replicate some of their powers.

I don't think I would be able to fire heat rays from eyes like Superman but some fictional powers could be recreated and used with time and effort.

But for now, I had to get stronger afterall being magically powerfully would help me in the Wizarding World as war was coming and I was certainly not going to be a casualty of the War.