11) Impartial

Mrs Evans and me walked back to counter and we both paid for our respective supplies.

Petunia looked at me as we both approached her.

She looked for a whole moment and her eyebrows went up in disbelief, her mouth slightly opened up in disbelief.

"Snape?" she asked me.

"Petunia, it's nice to meet you" I said with a nod.

"As if I would be happy to meet you" She spoke with a disdain.

"I see you are still pleasant as ever" I replied back amused.

Petunia was going to say something when Mrs Evans cut off in between "Tuney be nice."

Petunia nodded but glared at me. The disdain clear in her eyes.

I looked at Petunia, she was not ugly like in the movies. She was beautiful in her own right, it was just that her neck was long which we usually call swan type neck.

Since she was skinny it didn't matched with the rest of the body of hers.

We started walking, which in this case meant following Mrs Evans.

"Why are you here" Petunia whispered harshly to me.

I gave her a simple answer "we are going to have a tea talk together."

"It's your fault then" she replied back.

"No, your mother wanted to talk about what happened between Lily and I so here am I" I said to her as we both reached a shop which sold tea.


Petunia was happy today, her boss had given her a leave from the work and who was she to say no.

She had decided to visit the market with her Mother so that she can be away from her freakish talks of her sister.

She didn't hate her sister, she just resented her.

When the Snape boy told her sister about magic, she too wanted to join them but she couldn't as she was not a witch.

She wrote to the headmaster about wanting to join the school so that she can join her sister and the Snape boy.

Afterall a world full of Magic, Unicorns, Dragons she too wanted to join them.

But her hopes vanished with the reply of the Headmaster and she resented her sister for that.

So imagine her surprise when this summer her dearest sister who was the favourite of her mother and father told them that she was no more friends with the Snape boy, she was shocked.

Afterall the boy followed Lily like a lost puppy. Hell she knew that the boy would do anything her sister asked him to even walking barefoot in hot coal, so hearing that they ended their friendship was surprising.

Well she never liked him from the day he dropped the branch on her head with his magic.

So here he was, the boy talking with her mother and her about how their friendship ended.

Somehow the Snape boy had hit a growth spurt and he looked gorgeous now, not that she would ever admit that to him.

Well her sister really lost an eye candy, Petunia thought amusedly.

So when Severus Snape started to speak about everything it all started to make sense.

It all started with the talk of Blood status how he was what people would call a half blood and Lily a muggleborn.

He started explaining how he wanted to be in Slytherin because his mother was there and how after being sorted into Slytherin did he understood how their stance was against the blood purity stuff.

He talked about the Gryffindor house and the biases and rivalries which both house had towards each other.

How their friendship was already shaking slowly by the whispers of their yearmates.

Then her breath stopped when he started to talk about a war which was coming nearer and the whispers of a Dark Lord.

Her mother too was shocked as Lily had never mentioned anything about that to them.

He then started to tell her more about the boys who pranked him constantly.

Her mother was getting angry as he started to tell more about the so called pranks.

They were not pranks they were clearly meant for complete humiliation.

If someone had done with her the same thing the Snape boy was mentioning then she would have killed them.

Then he started to talk more about the boy who was the leader of them.

And then he mentioned how he had a crush on Lily.

Everything start to become clear for Petunia then at the moment.

Severus then started to tell more about how he was constantly being hounded by his yearmates for joining this Dark Lord.

He had meant to keep them at the backseat by just mixing with them for some time so that he was not targeted by them.

Her mother and she understood that as he would not want to make enemies at the place where he slept.

He then told how he wanted and was considering to join them.

Her mother was staring silently and stonily at him at this and the boy continued.

He told her what happened at the lakeside and how he was being hanged upside down how he saw a hint of smile at Lily's lips and how he snapped at her and called her a 'Mudblood'.

He explained the meaning behind it and her mother just nodded while taking everything silently.

He told what she did in return and how he waited outside the common room and how Lily replied that their Friendship was no more.

After Severus finished explaining, her mother opened her mouth for the first time during the whole meeting.

"Why did you want to join them knowing that they are targeting the ones like Lily" she asked him neutrally.

"I was foolish and naive. I thought that by joining them I could protect her from others who will come after her" he said with shame in his voice.

"But the most important reason was that I wanted Power. I was hungry for Power which they all told that the Dark Lord would give" He said honestly, not a hint of lie in his voice.

"Why?" Petunia asked curiously to him, it made sense to want power but why would he want power from the hands of someone who would target Lily, tha boy who followed Lily like a lost puppy.

The boy took a breath and his eyes turned glassy showing no emotion "You don't know what it feels like to be me" he said to her, his voice as if he was talking about weather and Petunia was going to snap at the boy but her mother had an understanding look.

"You have a nice and happy family, a family which was there for you and will be there for you in your difficulties and sorrow. But everyone is not blessed like you Petunia"

"You don't know how it feels when you ask your father and mother to acknowledge you but all you get is scorn and hate. You don't know what it is like to be called useless and trash by your own parents. You don't know the feelings of a child who is neglected by everyone. You don't know hunger when all your money is spent on alcohol. You don't know the beatings the beatings and the belts you will recieve if your father was in a bad mood and he decided to take it in you. You don't know anything about searching for a place to call home and when you find it, all your hopes are for vain as people target you and hate you for some stupid house and you will never know the hate you feel for yourself and the world"

"And you shall never know these things Petunia because you have never experienced a single of these things and if you haven't experienced it then you will never know why I needed power" he finished his voice frank but carrying steel at the same time.

Petunia was wide eyed and shocked, she knew that the boy was not from a well to do family as he always wore clothes too big for him but hearing all this shocked her to the core.

Her mother too was staring wide at him.