12) Acknowledging


"People may say and act like almighty proclaiming that what a person do is wrong or right. They may say that there are better choices and they would have not walked on the path but they are wrong"

"Because if they were on the same place and experienced the same things then they would have done the same in an instant. It is human nature to be seek vengeance and I too was no exception of this".

"I was wrong and I acknowledge that myself and I will be answerable to my actions"

"I am not telling you all this to gain some sympathy for me or to make you feel pity on me. I have accepted this long ago and it made me what I am today and no matter how much I want to change things, I am proud of myself" he finished each words having a blow to them.

There was silence for some moments after which her mother spoke, her eyes filled with tears "why did you not tell anyone Severus, we could have helped you and I am not letting your father get away with this" her voice holding venom.

Severus took a sigh "I grew accustomed to all of that I didn't wanted to burden you Mrs Evans. Even my mother loved and protected me in a different way by turning the ire on me so that I can be spared from my father's wrath. Well as for my father you don't have to worry about that" he said his voice calm.

"What do you mean by you don't have to worry about that, I am personally going to see him pay for his actions towards you" mom spoke angrily.

"You don't have to worry because he is already dead. A week ago he met an accident with Truck while he was drunk. He's dead" He said in a calm voice like he wasn't the least bit bothered by him. But then again if his words were true than he would hardly feel sorry for his father.

"Oh you poor boy" mom said and stood up gave Severus a hug.

The boy's posture became rigid and he froze slightly.

"It's ok Mrs Evans, it's no big deal" he said trying to convince her mother to release the hug.

After then both the boy and her mother started to talk about various other small things in which her mother asked about if he was going for a job to pay for his supplies.

The boy revealed that he inherited her mother's family fortune and will not be doing a job for now at the moment though he was working on something like that of a Shop.

Apparently his mother's maiden name was Prince and now his name was Severus Prince, Petunia snickered at the poncy name though her mother wasn't amused at her.

Her mother was curious and asked about what he would be selling.

The answer confused her, as who sold soap and bathsalts but then again the damned boy told that people will buy these things frequently if they liked it afterall people like to be clean.

Her mother was overjoyed with the boy's plan and asked about the samples to which the boy told that he will show her next week as they were still on the preparation stage.

Her mother nodded and finally the talk went about Lily.

He told them strictly to not tell anything that happened today to Lily.

Her mother was against this but caved in to boy's demands.

"Lily is a girl who sees the world in Black and White and it is a dangerous thing. For her the world is ideal, she thinks herself the moral compass" Severus said to them both.

Petunia at that one moment resonated with him as his words were true.

Her sister liked being the moral compass and she did view the world in black and white.

The meeting ended and the boy paid for the tea.

He asked for a minute with her and she was skeptical about him.

Though her surprise was heightened when the boy apologized sincerely for his actions over the year.

Petunia was skeptical but accepted the apology afterall the boy did looked sincere.

And then the strangest thing happened, he asked to come next week too with her mother as he wanted her opinion about the Bathsalts and Soaps.

Petunia nonetheless nodded and accepted the offer and little did she know it was the start of an amazing friendship.


I walked back to home after the meeting with Petunia and Mrs Evans.

Well I never wanted to reveal so much but then again Mrs Evans had nothing but kind to me.

And since our transmigration old Severus somehow made his way towards my decisions. Well there was a feeling about what he wanted to do and what he didn't.

Well I told my side of the story without manipulations and I could sense that she approved that I didn't hide anything.

After five minutes of walk I found myself at the front of my home.

I knocked the door and three seconds later the door was opened by mom.

She looked at me for a moment and then her eyebrows went up and her mouth was opened in disbelief.

"Severus" she asked me.

"Can we go inside" I asked her as I didn't want to stand and explain myself outside the door.

"Ohh yes, come in" she said and let me inside the house.

I placed the groceries bag at the table and sat at the couch leisurely while mother sat at the other end.

"I am waiting for an explaination" She sing songed.

"Why?" I asked as I fiddled with my hair thinking of what hairstyles would suit me now.

"Because a musculature potion doesn't work to that extent" she said pointing at me.

I just nodded and commented "this one's my creation, it increases muscle mass, bone density and metabolism to an extent"

Mother sat in disbelief "you created this" she spoke amazed.

I just nodded, yes offcourse I created it with a little help of Salazar Slytherin.

"Amazing" she whispered.

"How are the results" she asked me.

I decided to flaunt and stood up and took off my t-shirt.

Mother simply raised an eyebrow at me.

When I fully removed the T-Shirt there was a whistle from Mom who looked at my body.

"Impressive, now wear your t-shirt once again and set the tables" she said and hurried leaving me alone at the couch.

I groaned, I hated to do this.

At the moment a letter arrived through an Owl which flew through the window.

Curiously I took the letter and sighed.

From the crest in the letter I could say that this was clearly a letter from Lucius Malfoy.