14) I am Severus Prince

I woke up the next day and took a shower to refresh myself.

I walked downstairs where mother was already present with the breakfast.

The Potions effect was starting to show and she was gaining muscle enough to be called fit.

Thanks to her new gained weight and some tweaking into the Potion by me, she looked like a 27 or 28 year old woman.

She smiled at me as she saw me walking downstairs.

"Going anywhere?" she asked me taking a sip of the juice as I usually woke a little late thanks to the late night thoughts and work I did.

"Yes" I replied taking a bite of the toast.

At the moment an owl came inside the home and landed in the table carrying a letter.

I looked at the seal of the letter, it was from Gringotts.

I took the letter and started to read it, in short my name was now Severus Prince as I had told Skullcrusher to change it to Prince and complete the formalities. Moreover he finally got the files of all of my families and now I can control their finances from here.

I gave the letter to mother who read it with an interested gaze.

"Good" she complimented me.

"Would you visit Gringotts today" she asked me after finishing the letter.

"I do, I am thinking to open a shop and want to know the procedures and agreements" I replied taking a sip of the juice.

"A shop?" was her curious question.

"Yes, a shop which would sell Soaps, Bathsalts and some perfumes I had created" I said.

Well technically adult Severus had created the first two when he was not a professor and was earning money through contracted works.

The last one though was my idea to sell some perfumes.

"Are they any good" She asked me.

I looked at her and replied calmly "yes."

I decided to show her, I summoned some of the items I had created till now and they came flying through the air and landed on the table infront of me.

She picked the bottle which was labelled as perfume and smelled it.

"it does smell very good" She praised.

"I know, that's why I am going to sell them in a shop" I said to her with a smirk.

She nodded and was inspecting the other items when I finished the breakfast and walked outside of the home and apparated to Diagon Alley in an empty alley.


I walked out of Gringotts with a happy smile.

Skullcrusher had managed to buy majority shares in most of the companies I had told him to do.

Microsoft was in its founding state so I was able to get majority shares in it with various other companies.

Some of them were car and motorbike companies.

I casted a wandless tempus and found that there was still an hour left for my meeting with Lucius.

I was confused about what to do and finally found the answer.

I walked to Fortescue Ice creams, they really made the best ice creams. Even in my previous world nothing could beat this in taste.

Alice was there and her father was behind the counters.

I walked inside and went to Alice who was taking orders whereas another girl was serving.

The counter was surrounded by a couple who were paying whereas the shop was mostly empty.

"May I have a vanilla flavoured ice cream" I asked politely.

Alice looked up from the book she was reading and recognised me instantly.

"Snape, you have a lot of nerve to show here" she gave me a small glare.

I was not affected and asked calmly "what did I do to warrant your anger on me?"

She huffed and gave a slight pout "it's not fair, after your talk with my father I received a lecture half an hour to study nicely" she explained.

I gave a smirk "it's not my fault, you too are good in academics, top in herbology, I think the only weak area you have is Potions and slight in Transfiguration" I pointed out to her.

She narrowed her eyes slightly at me "exactly this was the same thing but my father told me to focus on those two things more after you mentioned that you might get Os in everything."

"Exactly, I mentioned I may get, not that I got" I pointed out.

She huffed "you Slytherins and your tricks" she replied back.

I gave her a half smile and asked her "how many O's you think you may get."

"I don't know but I think I will get Es in Transfiguration, Potions and Runes" she spoke up dejectedly.

"Hey, don't be sad about it" I said gently.

"Why, they are good for me to get in NEWT classes but what will happen if I still could not excel them by my graduation. My auror application would not be attractive with low scores" she said with a slightly sad voice.

"Well you can always study more and you can always ask the teachers about it. Otherwise you could practise them over summer" I pointed out as comforting someone was alien to me.

I was briefly wondering if she was on her periods today as she was more emotional and volatile today.

She smiled and spoke up suddenly "thank you and by the way are you free during the summer."

I was confused but had an inkling what she was going to do "I will be."

"Will you help me sometimes in my studies during your free time, we can talk via letters" she asked me with a pleading look, her desire to become an auror winning out.

"I can but why me?" I asked curiously.

"Oh come on, not everyone is blind Severus, you are best in potions but since Slughorn is too busy mooning over his precious ones you remain undetected. In Transfiguration even if you are not gifted you still make up for it by your efforts" she said with a gentle tone.

I was confirming via her surface thoughts if she was speaking the truth or not and was surprised that she was completely honest.

I thought about the pros and cons and decided to accept her offer.

According to canon she was a gifted auror and it will be fun to see about what she could do.

Frank only glanced at Alice during this year but Alice was oblivious to it. I think the only other person who noticed were Remus Lupin and some of Frank's yearmates apart from young Severus.

Besides Frank Longbottom had not proposed till his last year which was this year. He would be the Head Boy this year and after gathering the courage he finally asked out Alice towards the end of the year.

The future was already fucked so there was no need to cry over spilled milk.

I looked at Alice and answered "Okay."

Her face was filled with joy "thank you Severus" to which I just nodded.

After giving me my ice cream she asked me hesitantly "Severus, why did you introduce yourself as Severus Prince to my father?"

I inwardly sighed "I believe it will be a long tale. Grab an ice cream and come join me" I said to her pointing towards an empty table and going towards it and was joined by Alice a moment later.