15) Meeting Lucius

"And so I found that I was the Heir of the family and I decided to took the name" I said after ten minutes giving her a roundabout story.

"You could have finished the entire story in thirty words and I would have understood" she asked as she had finished her ice cream.

"I know but then again I wanted some company while eating ice-cream" I replied her telling my reason for the long story.

Her eyes turned wide and they turned accusatory "You tricked me."

"No, I did told you about everything you wanted to know so I didn't exactly tricked you" I pointed out to her.

She took that into consideration and nodded and grumbled about Slytherin cheating tricks.

"Besides you are a nice person to converse with" I finished.

She looked at me questioningly "How?"

At her question I elaborated "Generally I am forced to deal with Dimwits and idiots most of the time. People in your house too usually talk only about three to five things such as Quidditch, food, airy topics including fashion and gossip etc and some rare ones who once in a while talk about studies."

She wanted to refute but nodded after a moment as his words were completely true and he even insulted his own housemates.

I looked at Mr Fortescue who was stealing glances at both of us once in a while.

I smirked at his intentions.

I looked at Alice and asked "if you have any doubts you can ask me in the letter or we could meet personally once in a week to clarify everything."

She considered "I could write about the topics in the letter and you can clarify everything when we meet" she spoke after a moment of consideration.

I looked at her baby blue eyes and smiled.

"Okay that would be perfect" I replied her.


I left the shop after eating another icecream.

Alice's father was still distrusting of me slightly which I could see from talking to him but then again he probably thought me as someone hitting on her daughter.

I walked to the Leaky Cauldron as the time was already approaching.

I looked at the figure of Lucius Malfoy who was sitting comfortably in a chair near an empty table.

Lucius was on time as usual.

I walked to him and he looked at me as I was reaching him.

His eyes turned wide and he suddenly had a funny smile on his face.

"It seems my book did help you Severus" he said as I took the seat opposite him.

"Indeed" I said.

"Shall we move to a private room" he asked to me.

"Ofcourse" I replied, Lucius always preferred privacy during his talks after all one can't be free from invaders.

We walked inside a room which Lucius had already booked from before.

I casted a 'muffliato' as we entered the room.

"What is that spell" Lucius asked curiously.

"Oh, a creation of mine, it is more like a silencing charm with no wand know movements and so" I replied taking my seat.

"It seems your skills in Spell creation are increasing more and more nowadays" he praised me honestly.

This honesty was the reason there was a friendship between Lucius and Severus.

"What's happening with you nowadays" I asked lightly.

He scoffed "nothing just the usual, following my father till he judges me worthy as if I am already not" he said bitterly.

Lucius relationship with his father was complicated, Lucius always tried to improve in his father eyes and gain his approval but then again Abraxas always treated Lucius coldly as he believed that Lucius was not to be coddled.

It was also the main reason Draco was so spoiled by his father as Lucius wanted to be better than Abraxas.

"I heard from some people that you no longer have the friendship with the Evans girl" he carefully asked.

Ah, the familiar heart pang happened. I smiled "No, I believe it was for the better" I replied calmly.

Lucius nodded and diverted the topic "So tell me more about what is happening with you Severus" he asked interestedly.

"Oh nothing more than becoming the heir of four families" I replied bored.

I mentioned the four families because sooner or later it would become a news for everyone and Old Severus didn't wanted to lie to Lucius.

Lucius eyes widened "your not joking?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Have you seen me joking with you" I amusedly replied and passed him the paper from my pocket which held my results of the inheritance test as this paper was not of much use now since I was in contact with the account managers.

He read the families and his eyes widened seeing the names. Afterall each were old families, The Prince being older than Hogwarts, The Dawn during the time of Hogwarts, The other two were also some 1100 years old.

He took a breath "Do you know the sheer importance of this Severus, this is huge" he asked seriously.

I sighed "I know I know, besides I may now help you in your pursuit of Minister of Magic post" I pointed out cheekily.

Lucius smirked "I believe you may. So you're Severus Dawn Now".

"You can call me that but for now the official one is Severus Prince" I replied back.

"Ahh, I still can't believe you father was a squib to two lines. It will somehow make you three fourth or more Pureblood" he said trailing off.

"Ohh leave that stuff" I said to him.

He nodded and asked "how were your parents reaction"

"Well my father couldn't react to this as he died around more than a week ago in an accident whereas mother was happy" I frankly spoke.

Lucius eyes slightly widened upon hearing about the death of Tobias Snape and more so by the frank tone in which Severus stated it.

He began to connect the clues "Did you had a part in the accident."

Severus gave him a look as if he was stupid "the official reports state that he was too drunk to be in his senses"

Lucius understood, yes he had done it but cleared all the ends. A clever Slytherin move.

He knew about Severus homelife as the boy had told him much but always refused his offers thinking of them as charity.

Truly he was happy for his friend for the inheritance he had found. If anyone deserved it, then it was his friend without a doubt afterall fate owed him much.

He then decided to tell him about the crux of the matter for which he had asked him to appear today.