21) Butterfly Effect 1

Albus Dumbledore looked at the Minister Of Magic Harold Minchum as he sighed wearily "and why am I being told now about this Minister?" he asked calmly as he was irritated inwardly at the Minister's decision.

"I did send you a letter Albus, you might have misplaced the letter or not read it. Despite that the agreements have already been made and the entire department heads had given their acceptance regarding this. We have contacted with the Examination In-Charge Madam Marchbanks and she and the other schools are already in contact regarding the examinations and all" Harold Minchum spoke calmly.

Dumbledore looked at the Seven Departmental Heads who were each present there and they seemed to be in agree with the idea.

"But is it really safe to conduct the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts this year when we are facing the signs of a war" he spoke calmly looking at the Minister of Magic who looked back calmly at him.

"You are not seeing this from our perspective, right now the morals of the people are low and they are scared from the rumours of the war. I too have fought in the war against Grindelwald Albus and we both know that the lesser the morale of people, the greater are the chances of our enemies. If we can conduct this tournament safely, then there is a high chance that we may win people' hopes that they are safe and protected by the Ministry. Moreover it is the best chance we have to make international allies at a time like this" he said looking at Albus calmly.

Albus sighed, Harold did had a point but the game that he was playing was a double edged sword.

"It is like a double edged sword Minister, and if somehow there is a casualty due to the rising Dark Lord Voldemort than there is a chance that we may risk international humilation" Dumbledore said looking at the Minister of Magic who seemed unfazed by it.

"I know that, it is the reason why there will be aurors under Moody on Patrol of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will also bring a small force of aurors and healers with themselves who will be there during patrolling and the tasks" Harold said with a slightly bitter tone.

By allowing them they will be admitting their weakness but it was one of the concessions to be made for the greater task infront of them.

"Albus, you have said many times that Hogwarts is the safest place in the world, surely you weren't lying that time" Milicent Bagnold spoke up from her seat gaining nods from everyone and that included surprisingly even Bartemius Crouch, the Head of Magical Law Enforcement.

Albus hadn't expected his own words to be thrown into his face, nonetheless the agreements have been made and it was clear that he was being just informed. Besides he had a doubt that the idea was Milicent's plan, the Head of International Magical Cooperation was a cunning one.

He sighed "I wil agree to this Minister, but we have to take care of some things" he said finally in agreement. He couldn't avoid this but it didn't meant that he could give suggestions to ease their problems.

"I am in all ears Albus" Harold Minchum spoke with a smile

Albus Dumbledore then started to give them some pointers so that they could conduct the tournament safely and it will not be a mess like that of during Harry's year from what he had seen in memories.


Albus Dumbledore flooed into Potter Manor as he was welcomed by Fleamont and Charlus, both of them who were sitting on sofa and talking about something.

"Albus, what a surprise?, come over dear friend" Fleamont greeted him cheerfully as he stood up along with Charlus who too went to welcome their guest.

"Fleamont its nice to meet you again dear friend, Charlus I didn't knew that you would be here too" Albus said jovially as he looked at both of them.

"Where are Harry, James and their friends?" he asked looking at both of them with a smile.

"Oh they are in the grounds playing Quidditch I think, Dorea and Euphemia are with Hermione watching them play" Charlus Potter spoke up with a small smile.

Albus nodded, "I actually wanted to talk to them about something important" he said seriously.

Fleamont and Charlus expression immediately became pensive at his words. Charlus nodded as he walked towards the grounds to call everyone leaving Albus and Fleamont to talk.

"Anything serious Albus?" Fleamont asked wearily looking at his longtime friend.

"Nothing major harmful if they are careful. It will be better if we talk more about it in their presence" he replied looking calmly at Fleamont.

Fleamont nodded at his friends words as he offered Albus a seat which Albus gladly took much to his friends amusement.

It was two minutes later when everyone of them arrived to the sitting room. Harry, James, Sirius and Ron were holding broomsticks on their hands while Hermione was talking with Dorea and Euphemia along with Charlus.

"Professor Dumbledore" the five of the greeted whereas Euphemia and Dorea simply settled on "Albus", "Professor, is something wrong? are you fine?" Harry asked looking worriedly at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled at Harry's concern "I am fine Harry, there is no need for you to worry about me" he said with a small smile.

"The Minister Of Magic Harold Minchum had called me today, apparently they have decided to host the Triwizard Tournament this year and Hogwarts will be the hosting school" he said with a serious tone.

Everyone present there had different reactions, the adults immediately became tense along with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Sirius and James were however excited at the news, though they didn't said anything wisely keeping their mouth shut.

"Professor Dumbledore, won't it be too dangerous when everyone knows that there are tensions for war" Hermione was the first to ramble on her complaints, gaining nods from the adults present there as well as Harry and Ron.

"At ease Miss Granger" Dumbledore spoke warmly trying to put the intelligent Gryffindor at a little ease. That shut up Hermione instantly as she looked at Dumbledore calmly.

"The Minister thinks that if we are able to complete the tournament successfully then it will be a huge boost for the morale of Wizarding Britain that they don't have to worry more about the Dark Lord" Dumbledore said with a pensive look, which clearly indicated how he felt about it.

"Well, he certainly is not completely wrong in it, if we consider it carefully. Those of us who were during the time of Grindelwald knew very well, how only Britain was the only area untouched by Grindelwald's forces and even then the morale was diminishing slowly at the news of other countries falling into his grasps" Fleamont commented slowly as he looked at Albus with a calm look gaining nods from Euphemia, Dorea and Charlus.


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