22) Butterfly Effect 2

"The war with Grindelwald really destroyed the other wizarding countries and though it it risky the Minister did have a point" Charlus said in agreement.

"Was the situation with Grindelwald really that bad?" Ron asked curiously, Grindelwald surely couldn't be badder than You Know Who.

Fleamont looked at the boy with a small sad smile, "Grindelwald was many things, an extremely skilled wizard, A dark lord. But you know what made him more dangerous?" he asked slowly looking at the five children infront of him.

Everyone of them were confused at the answer, "his knowledge in Dark Arts" Sirius supplied helpfully from his side.

"No Sirius" he paused "while Grindelwald was extremely skilled in dark arts. The main reason why he was extremely dangerous was because he believed in his goal. His goal was to create a world where wizards and witches were superior to muggles, many wizards joined him due to his cause. While this rising Dark Lord Voldemort may preach pureblood supremacy but does he himself believe in them?, Purebloods may join him but many halfblood and muggleborn would be hesitant if they were ever offered. But the forces of Grindelwald were made by many muggleborns and halfbloods too as they revelled in their magical side. Grindelwald had a charisma and a goal which many wizards wanted, while this rising Dark Lord Voldemort's followers may remain loyal, they will mostly be so due to fear. Grindelwald's followers are still loyal to him to this day even if he is imprisoned because the man had earned loyalty through respect. And people like Grindelwald are dangerous because the loyalty they inspire trumps over the rationality of the people" Fleamont spoke seriously gaining nods from Charlus. Albus meanwhile was calm and showed nothing at his words as he buried the feelings of guilt long suppressed.

The teenagers present there understood the severity of Fleamont's words as they went over his words.

"Professor, what will happen in this Triwizard Tournament. Will there be changes?" Harry asked looking at the figure of his Headmaster. The Headmaster had told them that there will be changes after their arrival but he didn't expected it to be so big.

"The tasks will be different and both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will bring a small batch of aurors and healers with them for themselves and their safety as they put it" Headmaster Dumbledore said with a small smile and twinkling eyes.

"A wise move but at the same time a humilating one for Britain" Charlus Potter spoke amusedly gaining soft laughs from everyone except the five teens present there.

"Why uncle Charlus?" James asked eagerly looking at his uncle.

"It will be a shameful thing for Britain as it will give the image that the other countries think that British aurors and healers are not able to guard or heal them properly" Charlus spoke up softly explaining his nephew. Fleamont meanwhile felt a little disappointed that none of the children were able to grasp the concepts of political meaning. Perhaps Hermione and Harry would be able to understand it all with a little push in the right direction.

"We can talk more about it later at lunch. Albus you too must join us" Euphemia said softly and judging by the expression on Headmaster Dumbledore's face, Harry concluded that it was implied that there was no way that Headmaster would be able to deny it. He didn't knew that Albus had tried many times to worm his way out but failed always.

"I would be a fool to say no" Headmaster Dumbledore spoke up with a smile which seemed to be too sheepish. Fleamont meanwhile chuckled at the situation of Albus.

They travelled to the dining room when Harry discreetly motioned for Hermione and Ron to come aside.

"It is bad, I had read about the butterfly effect but I didn't knew that it would affect so fast and much" Hermione rambled as the trio walked at their own pace. Sirius and James meanwhile trudged behind the trio discreetly catching their looks earlier.

"What's the butterfly effect?" Ron asked with a curious look in his eyes.

"The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon.

Of course, a single act like the butterfly flapping its wings cannot cause a typhoon. Small events can, however, serve as catalysts that act on starting conditions.

And as John Gribbin wrote in his classic work Deep Simplicity, "some systems … are very sensitive to their starting conditions, so that a tiny difference in the initial 'push' you give them causes a big difference in where they end up, and there is feedback, so that what a system does affects its own behavior" Hermione explained to the confused looks on everyone's faces or in other words rambled like usual self confident self. Ron's face looked like as if he had heard something in foreign language.

"It means that small changes may result in huge changes since it is believed that everything is related to one another" Hermione said slowly as she tried to explain them in simpler words. It obviously worked as their faces showed understanding now.

"But you know, it's still strange that The Triwizard Tournament is going to happen out of the blue. The Minister must be barking mad to even consider that during the time of war. Well Fudge had the excuse to do so when there was no You Know Who in public" Ron said with a perplexed face of his own which he had gain quite mastery over.

"Now Harry, Hermione and Ron" Sirius spoke up excitedly with the same look as James. "Would you explain the tasks to me, it seems that Hogwarts need a good looking and intelligent champion of its own" Sirius spoke up gaining a mischievous smile of James who understood what he was going to do.

"Ofcourse Padfoot, we wouldn't want Hogwarts to lose, do we?" James said with a mischievous smile of his own.