25) The Interview became interesting

The interviews went on normally for the next hour. Maddy told that there were a total of thirty two candidates who were there for the interview apart from Evelyn.

Some of the candidates had a tendency to boast about themselves whom they both rejected as they didn't wanted people with inflated egos to work in the shop. Besides a humble helper or assistant worked wonders for the customers and their interaction.

Severus only found four people till now who looked eligible and matched his expectations slightly. It was the nineteenth interview which intrigued him.

Lucius called Maddy "send the next one Maddy" he spoke up with a sigh, the last interview was that of a boy who had extremely self confident issues which he found honestly disappointing. His marks were average and he lacked any worthwhile qualities that could be needed for the job.

The door opened again and this time a man with brown hair and blue eyes stepped inside. He looked a little older than Lucius and he saw Lucius looking little uncomfortable at seeing the man. For some reason he found his face a little familiar with Severus memories.

It was very slight to notice but he detected it.

Severus decided to take the lead "I am Steve and this is Lucius Malfoy who will take the interview with me along with Miss Betha, Mr " he left the statement hanging in the air.

The man took the hint, he spoke after a moment without hesitation "Edward Tonks Sir."

Severus nodded and didn't showed an emotion outwards but he recognized the name clearly. The man in front of him was the father of Nymphadora Tonks, husband to the disowned Andromeda Black. He understood Lucius's sudden discomfort as the Black Family was very dangerous during these times as the family members were very much alive and kicking. During the time after war many died within few years leaving the family clearly non existent.

Besides if we hired him, then we may be in a conflict with The Black Family and they couldn't be underestimated now when the first wizarding war was still a little in the shadows and then yet to reach the peak.

The man looked slightly relieved that he didn't showed an emotion to his name.

Severus spoke up"so Mr Tonks, tell me more about yourself" he asked him while at the inside he weighed the pros and cons.

He tensed a little but spoke "I am Edward Tonks Sir, I was in Hufflepuff during my Hogwarts years, I graduated from Hogwarts in 1968" he spoke.

Severus nodded, Lucius would have recognised him from his early Hogwarts years as the scandal was a huge affair during those days "Can we see your OWLs and NEWTs results, Mr Tonks" he asked him softly as was the procedure.

He nodded and gave us his results, Severus took them and read them. He had good marks with O in Charms, Defence, Divination, Care Of Magical Creatures the rest were E. He gave the results to Lucius who took them and read it slowly before passing them to mother who was sitting calmly, she was taking it as simple because she didn't knew anything about him marrying the eldest Black daughther.

Severus asked him again as Lucius would hardly start the questioning "tell me more about your family Mr Tonks and the skills you posses which makes you think that you can get the job."

He looked a little hesitant but spoke after a moment "I have a wife and a daughter of two years sir, my parents are no longer in the living world sir " he said gently, the last part Severus instantly confirmed with legilimency.

Severus nodded at him "We are sorry for your loss Mr Tonks, pardon for my intrusion Mr Tonks but I am slightly curious about you Mr Tonks."

He was hesitant and his body tensed a little, from the corner of eye he eyed Lucius for a flicker of second "why are you curious Mr Steve?" he asked slowly.

"Oh nothing too personal Mr Tonks, but I was wondering that since you have a family already and graduated from Hogwarts lets say around three to four years ago if my guess is right then how come you are not mentioning your previous place of work. Many candidates before you had apparently mentioned their previous place of work and the experience they gained there" Severus asked pointedly looking at him, it was a blatant lie since only one girl had a working experience prior in Department of Magical Creatures. Apparently from his Legilimency he had found that she thought that the pay would be better here since she was a muggleborn, she hardly was going to get a big reputation and promotion even though she had the hand for handling magical creatures and negotiation.

"I worked in a pharmaceutical shop sir" he replied slowly looking at them confidently though there was tenseness in his posture that he didn't hoped that it will please them.

Severus felt like banging his head to the table at that moment, Tonks had given him something which he should have done long ago. Medical field was always growing and he was a fool to not invest in them when they were going to make great inventions during this time. A time where various medicines and machines were going to be invented, such a gold mine of wealth he had forgotten about. He felt angry upon himself for forgetting stuff like that.

"Tell me the uses of Ibuprofen and Phenazone" Severus asked curiously as he looked at Tonks whose eyes widened slightly at the type of question.

"Ibuprofen is an anti inflammatory drug whereas Phenazone is an antipyretic as well as analgesic" Tonks replied confidently. Lucius and his mother were already lost from the conversation after hearing the names.

"You must have heard about a drug that was isolated two years ago, ciclosporin?" Severus asked with a small smirk on his face.

"The testings have yet to start sir but the pharmacecuticals institutions and experts believe that it is an immuno suppressant drug" Edward Tonks spoke remembering the articles he had read.

"Hmm, thank you for your cooperation Mr Tonks. I shall convey the results later after the interview" Severus spoke up looking at him with a curt nod.