26) Project P

"What do you think about them?" Lucius asked him as they finished the last person who came for the interview.

"I found six of them eligible and that's including Evelyn. I didn't knew that she was a top student in her year" Severus said slowly as he looked at Lucius. Evelyn had twelve perfect scores in her exams both as their OWLs and NEWTs in their French equivalent magical exams.

"Well she is intelligent" Lucius admitted as if he was stating a fact.

"Hmm, that Tonks boy was quite intelligent too if we see his results. We could include him and the number goes seven" Eileen spoke up remembering the interview and apparently he was knowledgeable in medicines and considering her son's crazy experiments she knew inwardly that he had a plan regarding him. Severus always did considered most of the wizards to be ignorant and the Tonks boy was certainly not ignorant.

"It's not that easy Lady Prince, we would risk hostilities with the Black family if he is included" Lucius said slowly as he explained the matter seeing Severus was not going to tell her.

"Why would the Black family feel slighted over it?" she asked bewildered, if she remembered correctly then they hardly mingled with muggles and a muggleborn wizard will hardly be of consideration of their attentions.

"Cygnus Black's eldest daughter had eloped with him and was disinherited and if we heard correctly then they even have a daughter now" Lucius spoke up as he told her about the pureblood scandal which was perhaps the scandal of the decade.

"It caused quite a scandal among the pureblood circles considering that the Black family are hardcore blood purists" Lucius continued on.

"Perhaps with the death of his father and mother and considering his family, he is seeking a new job as the bread provider of the family. I doubt Andromeda Black could work anywhere without her family attacking her employer or even her" Severus mused aloud.

"He may be. Even with him fulfilling most of the criterias, his family problems with the Blacks will cause problem for us" Lucius admitted.

Eileen was having a internal moral debate, she knew what Andromeda must have been facing. She herself had gone under the same scenario and a part of her wanted to help her. But she also knew that it was all her son's and Lucius's effort mixed and she couldn't force her opinions on them.

"We could give him a backside job in such way that he will only help in manufacturing and not in selling the items" Eileen suggested her opinion looking at both of them.

Severus sighed inwardly, on hindsight he should have expected it from his mother. His mother surely would held some sympathy for Andromeda and Ted Tonks. Meanwhile he considered the pros and cons in the scenario. He had no fear of the Black family but their association with the Dark Lord could be a problem to him and if they were slighted by this then he was maybe risking threats or death eater attcks though the latter was a little doubtful but then again his mother's option was nice too if he considered that.

He was not a bit interested in Tonks though apart from getting an employee. What he was interested in was; his daughter Nymphadora Tonks or rather her ability of metamorphmagus or shape shifting. An ability which he was going to study and try to gain or activate. If it was in the Black blood then it will be complicated but if it was rather in the gene of blood of magical beings then it will be hard. Both these options would be hard and time taking but this was not easy as making a spell or improving the recipes of potions. He was going to replicate a bloodline ability if it was that, it surely wasn't going to be a piece of cake.

"Lucius do you think we can recruit him for our Project P?" he asked calmly as he waited for Lucius's answer.

Lucius remained silent for some moments "it would be a better option. Besides the Project P members will mostly remain in the building for their work and sign contracts" he said slowly considering the option.

"Project P, what is it?" Eileen asked shrewdly to Severus, while she may allow Severus his experiments she wasn't going to allow them do anything illegal. She herself knew the tricks Slytherin pulled if it suited them. And one thing Eileen knew confirmed, Severus had the ambitions which would make even Slytherin proud.

"The Prince Potion's Factory" Severus answered slowly looking at them.

Eileen's eyes widened at the answer. The Prince Potion's Factory was a large scale potions manufacturing company which was owned by the Princes solely. It had closed for nearly sixty years now, her grandfather had closed it after the company started to go in loss. Her grandfather couldn't manage the workload and the haggling the business required. After all the business required meeting with Potion Masters and negotiating the patents of their new potions. it was a lot of work and it took much toll on her grandfather. Since he could not gather enough beneficial potions for the company he decided to close it as they were going on losses.

He then decided to live of the Family Fortune, meanwhile her father never bothered again to open the company since he had seen his own father getting quite stressed out. Overseeing the mass production and lacking the potions which were in public demand were also important reasons to close the company.

"The Prince potions factory has been closed for 60 years now. Do you really think it would be wise to open it now in the face of a war, shouldn't you wait more?" Eileen asked concerned as she looked at them.

"Ofcourse the war will cause many casualties and it is the perfect time for a potions factory to establish. We could reap of many benefits simply by supplying large scale healing potions. Besides we are going to start slow and small, since we could not afford a large scale production now. We will test the waters for now and will take the steps accordingly. I don't want to waste money simply on foolish ventures that would reap no benefits for us infact I want to create something which could result extremely beneficial for us both in terms of money and publicity. We could also negotiate with the Ministry and simply ask for auror protection so that we could get out in any case of uncertain attacks" Severus explained slowly looking at both of them.

"Think of it this way we are not capitalising on causalties but we will be trying to save as many lives with my improved healing potions and salves which I will surely supply to the Saint Mungos and the general populace" Severus continued, he did in fact was going to make money by the war. After all one must learn to make good out of anything, besides they were no hard feelings for anyone it was just simple pure business. Afterall he would join neither the dark nor the light side and will help the general populace only.