61) The Schools

Horace Slughorn looked at the group of Slytherins who were all gathered together to welcome the foreign students.

"Remember children. The House of Slytherin has a glorius past and we show our pride in it via our actions. I would be extremely displeased to hear any type of bad behaviour from you," Horace said calmly as he looked at all the Slytherin students who had arrived till now.

Only Laena Greengrass, Severus Prince, Narcissa Black, Evan Rosier, Izar Nott were absent till now. He could guess that they were perhaps running late due to Alastor's class. Horace couldn't help but pity them. Alastor was one of the toughest and most sadistic teacher he had ever known. His methods while harsh were also the most effective in short time.

He spotted Alastor talking with the bunch of aurors that had arrived in Hogwarts for the tournament. It seems he had already finished the class and had came to greet the aurors.

Suddenly he saw the students in his thoughts entering towards the queue of Slytherin students. He saw their slight ruffled faces and immediately understood that the class had been a practical one.

"Mr Prince, Mr Nott, Mr Rosier, smoothen yourself a little," he said looking at them pointedly or more at their ruffled school robes.

The three gentlemen in question nodded at his words and immediately started to work on it.

"Wilkes," Severus spoke up looking at Wilkes with a small pleading smile on his face.

"Hmmphh," Wilkes said with an irritated voice as he started to magically fix their clothes with an ironing charm. Wilkes was perhaps the most talented student in that particular charm. There was not a single ruff in his robes from his first year due to his proficiency in that particular charm.

"Perfect as usual," John spoke up with a small smile on his face as he looked at their perfectly ironed robes.

"Yeah. How far would have the other schools arrived till now?" Izar asked looking at his junior.

"Don't know. No one has showed up yet," John informed Izar with a bored smile. He was honestly regretting coming here.

"There's a betting pool going on though for some time. Some say they will arrive in carriages while some say they will arrive on thestrals and hippogriffs," John said with a humorous smile on his face as if he found the whole business amusing.

"Want to bet?" John asked looking at them with a small smirk on his lips.

"10 galleons. Hippogriffs or other flying ones for both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons," Evan said placing his bet.

"Prince, care to share some divine knowledge of yours on this?" John asked looking at Severus with a small amused smile.

"10 galleons, Beauxbatons arrive in carriages pulled by Abraxan horses. Durmstrang will arrive in a ship," Severus replied with a small smirk on his lips.

"Well that's the most out of the ass answer we have till now," John said with a roll of his eyes. Nonetheless he considered the bet.

Severus simply gave him a playful smile as he stood up in the queue besides Izar.

Izar in his opinions was a worthy ally. His family magic was deadly useful in tough scenarios. Moreover he was a talented wizard. Severus inwardly thought of Izar's son, the young Theodore Nott.

The boy who went on to break the expectations and created a time turner which wasn't limited to time limits. The particular invention, perhaps the greatest one in history till now.

Who would have thought that Izar's son would go on to make a time machine as per wizarding standards.

"Moody's class was a nice one," Izar commented slowly after two minutes of silent standing.

"It was. Perhaps the most effective one for this limited time," Severus said in agreement looking at Dumbledore who was there with the Minister of Magic Harold Minchum.

"Are you really going to be neutral?" was the next soft question from Izar's side who continued looking at the front. They were on the end of the line so there was no bystander who could listen to them.

"Well, the cause. It is not something that I believe in firmly. Besides I am no extremist to simply kill people just for existing. They too are important for our society. We may not acknowledge it but the lines are dying out slowly and we need more fresh blood amongst us. The families are slowly getting inbred. The more it happens. The more there is a chance of Squibs getting born. Besides you and I both know that magic appears randomly amongst us. A family line of a thousand years may have squibs born as the new generation. While a family with no magical ancestors may suddenly have a magical child," Severus said slowly as he too continued to look at the front.

Izar nodded. There was no doubt or lie in Prince's words.

"Each have their own to reap Nott," Severus said with a soft tone.

"You are right. Each have their own," Izar admitted back with a calm face. He may lack believe in cause but he couldn't back out now. If he backed out then his entire family will be killed. His father was one of the first Death Eaters, there was no way that he could back out.

"Hey look! something is arriving," someone shouted out from their queue as they all turned to look at the specks in air which were coming towards them.

When they came a little closer, Severus saw some distant figures in broomsticks. In the middle of the people with broomsticks were three carriages which were being pulled on by flying Abraxans.

Severus looked completely impressed as the aurors who were flying around in broomsticks landed on the ground before they immediately went to alert mode.

They waited patiently as the carriages landed on the ground as the Abraxan horses took a run after they landed grabbing the carriages with them.

The first carriage opened which revealed to the figure of French Minister of Magic Adélard Badeaux.

The Minister walked down from the carriage not before turning back and escorting Madam Olympe Maxime, the Headmistress of Beauxbatons outside of carriage.

Severus had to admit that Madame Maxime was tall. Far taller than anyone he had seen till now. She was even longer than Hagrid in height.

"Dumbly-door," she spoke up looking at the figure of Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore didn't backed up as he calmly greeted her with a kiss on her hands.

"Madam Maxime," he said with a small jovial tone. The two Minister of Magic gently shooked hands with each other on the other side amongst the polite applause of the Hogwarts students.

Madam Maxime and Dumbledore started to talk slowly than before. Severus couldn't hear it but he could already guess, that it was around the lines of horses and feeding.

Severus wasn't interested in that.

He simply let his eyes roam at the students of Beauxbatons. The students of Beauxbatons were dressed in blue and there were equal amount of males and females in their population.

His eyes took the form of the most talented student of Beauxbatons as of now. The winner of the under 17 duelling tournament Gabriel Bernard.

Severus took in his appearance. He had blonde hair with green eyes which were taking in everything. Severus noticed the slight smirk taking affect on his face at the gawking by Hogwarts students.

Severus would honestly enjoy fighting the boy in the competition if given the chance. He wanted to test his skills and let himself loose for a little.

The meeting didn't lasted long as Professor Mcgonagall accomapnied the Foreign Minister, the Headmistress and the students with her.

The courtyard became to empty of the foreigners as Hagrid led the Abraxan horses away from there.

Severus waited patiently and wasn't disppointed whem he heard shouts from other people to look at the lake side.

"You won Prince. Again," John said with a tired disappointed face as he looked at Severus.

He looked at the ship which was coming out from the Black lake.

"I am honestly curious about their arrival though. How in the world did they just magically appeared in our lake?" Evan commented with a frown as he looked at the ship.

"Me too," Severus admitted with a small frown on his face. The question bugged him too.

The ship settled on the corner of the lake and one by one people started to exit the ship.

Severus saw the dark red robes, the furs and the hats which were worn by students.

There was no Minister of Magic with them though. It could be perhaps due to the fact that they wanted to keep the location a secret. Bringing a Minister would have given the country and foiled the secrecy maintained by Durmstrang of its location.

Severus looked calmly at the figure of Headmaster of Durmstrang, Otto Fischer. The man was lean with a white beard which reached to the mid of his neck. The man was also famous for his study in the field of enchanting.

"Dumbledore," the man greeted eagerly to the figure of Albus Dumbledore in a German accent.

Severus watched carefully as the Headmasters meet each other while the students were lead to the castle.

His eyes roamed amongst the students of Durmstrang and he finally found the person he was looking.

The under 19 European duelling champion, Alexander Schmidt. He was walking with his peers guided by Professor Slughorn as they were led to the quarters prepared for them.

Severus looked at the aurors arriving with the Headmaster of Durmstrang.

This tournament was going to be fun to watch, he thought amused. He never knew what fate had for him though.


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