62) The Feast

The Great Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was full of students with high spirits.

Severus calmly looked at the students of other houses who were chatting anxiously among themselves. Only the Golden trio was looking a little relaxed than him and that too because they knew what to expect from the welcoming feast.

He really wanted the feast to start as soon as possible. While his body had a physique greater than normal people it still needed nutrition like them. One could say that his body processed everything faster than a normal man. As such he usually ate a little more on which he could get his hands on to keep his body on a normal check.

His food intake quantity was greater than a normal student but since he ate with proper manners, it usually didn't gave him the image of a gourmet.

"Where do you think the Durmstrang students will sit?" He heard a fourth year boy speak up amongst the fourth year boys.

"Ofcourse they will sit with us. They have a reputation for learning Offensive Arts. With whom else they would sit with?" Another boy of fourth year answered with a small frown earning amused smirks from the people who heard it.

Severus had to admit that the boy had got a point. Durmstrang Institute already had a reputation amongst the Wizarding community as a school infamous for teaching Dark Arts.

The teachers had not returned to the Hall and there were still some students trickling to the Hall as of now.

He suddenly felt the murmurings increasing and looked around to find the reason of it.

The students of Beauxbatons had arrived to the hall. Severus had the urge to laugh seeing the high and cocky faces.

His eyes took on the figure of the various students as he tried to measure their body language. His eyes spotted a silvery blonde hair amidst the group of students. Severus couldn't help but think of her for a moment.

He snapped his eyes away from her immediately recognising what had happened. The girl was a veela. Severus looked around the girl and his suspicions were confirmed immediately.

The boys were having a drooling expression on their faces as they gazed at her.

Her allure was strong, Severus thought with a frown as he looked at the girl. Perhaps the veela blood was strong in her,he thought inwardly. Or her veela blood wasn't diluted much. Nonetheless he was sure this year was going to be much more interesting.

A veela girl wasn't something he had expected to find amongst the students of Beauxbatons. Though he had to admit that the girl was extremely beautiful but she was having a calm and composed expression on her face as if she wasn't bothered by the things much. Severus still though could spot the subtle signs of being nervous in her body language.

The girl for sure was a little nervous about facing the students of Hogwarts. Everyone knew how discriminating some of the British families were as were the wizarding population of here. She must have already doubts about receiving some unusual treatment here.

The Beauxbatons students walked together to the Ravenclaw table. They each took their seats calmly not letting their gazes wonder here and there.

Severus wasn't surprised when the Durmstrang students arrived instantly not a moment later when the last Beauxbatons student took her seat.

The Durmstrang student walked proudly not bothering to look here and there. They each had already their destination in mind.

All of them went to the corner of the Hall where the Slytherin students were sitting calmly. The Slytherin students eagerly made place for their guest school. Some of the students were even smiling as they looked at their guests.

The next moment Dumbledore arrived to the Hall with the Headmaster of Durmstrang and Headmistress of Beauxbatons. The three of them were having smiles on their faces and Severus could see the competititive spirit they had among them.

Next came the Two Ministers of Magic of Wizarding Britain and France. They were surrounded by some employees who walked behind them.

They each walked to the centre of the Hall where the table was enlarged specially for all the guests in the Hall.

Dumbledore took his seat in the Hall as the Ministers and the Head of the other schools sat at the central table.

Dumbledore stood up and immediately the Hall was completely silenced of any whisperings or jokes.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and — most particularly — guests," said Dumbledore, beaming around at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and

enjoyable." His proclaimation was received with a polite applause.

"The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast," said Dumbledore. "I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"

His words were just finished when the plates were suddenly filled with food. Severus had to admit that the house elves had worked hard. There were many foreign dishes which he could recognize among the mass of dishes.

There were awed and wide eyed looks at the food even by the guest students and the students of Hogwarts alike.

Once the golden plates had been wiped clean, Dumbledore stood up again. A pleasant sort of tension seemed to fill the Hall now. The air was filled with excitement and adrenaline at that moment.

"The moment has come," said Dumbledore, smiling around at the sea of upturned and eager faces. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring

in the casket. just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them - the French Minister of Magic Monsieur Adélard Badeaux"— there was a smattering of polite applause from the Hogwarts students while the Beauxbatons students eagerly applaused for their Minister — "and Mr. Harold Minchum, the Minister of Magic of our own Wizarding Britain."

This time the applause was greater as the Hogwarts students eagerly applaused for their own Minister of Magic.

Dumbledore looked at the figure of Argus Filch who was lurking near the gate.

Filch immediately understood and brought out the casket which was draped by a blue cloth. Severus immediate knew what it was.

There was no way Severus wasn't going to recognize it.

Finally The Goblet of Fire was going to be unveiled now.


Send some powerstones.

And regarding update? Well the month had became extremely busy to me.

I am sorry for delay. And there will be more updates as of now.