64) Saving a maiden

Severus ignored all the noises as he made his way towards the chamber behind the staff table.

The chamber where all the three champions were going to meet.

He occluded everything for now. His thoughts, his emotions everything, which he could think as of now normally.

He entered the chamber with a perfectly blank mind — not bothering to gaze at the two champions who were glaring at each other.

Severus left the two of them to their glaring contest as he waited for the Professors and Judges to arrive.

The door behind them opened again, and a large group of people came in excitedly. Professor Dumbledore, followed closely by Mr. Minchum, Mr Badeaux , Professor Fischer, Madame Maxime, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and finally Professor Slughorn. Behind them there were some Ministry officials whom Severus could recognize from adult Snape's memories.

"Congratulations Mr Prince, Mr Schmidt, Mr Bernard," Harold Minchum spoke eagerly.

"You three have been selected by the Goblet — as the champions of your respective schools." Minchum continued on looking at the three boys who each were looking at him calmly; with a composed face. It seemed to him that they were not ones to talk much.

"Thank you Minister Minchum." The three of them replied back. It would be rude for them to not thank him after his congratulations to them.

"The information about the first task will be given to you by our Head of Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mrs Milicent Bagnold." Harold said slowly looking at them. He had already motioned for the important work to start. There was time for congratulating them later. But first they must be given the details of the first task. Besides the three looked like they wanted to hardly talk with anyone other than their closed ones.

"Good evening gentlemen.

The first task is designed to test your daring," She told Severus, Alexander and Gabriel. "So we are not going to be telling you what it is. Courage in the face of the unknown is an important quality in a wizard . . . very important one in fact." She continued on looking at the three champions present there.

"The first task will take place on November the twenty-fourth, in front of the other students and the panel of judges. The champions are not permitted to ask for or accept help of

any kind from their teachers to complete the tasks in the tournament. The champions will face the first challenge armed — only with their wands. They will receive information about the second task when the first is over. Owing to the demanding and time-consuming nature of the tournament, the champions are exempted from end-of-year tests. They are also permitted to not attend classes if it helps them in the preparation of the tournament." Milicent said slowly as she looked at the understanding nods from the three students infront of her.

Severus' concentration went meanwhile on the last part. He would be able to bunk classes whole year simply in the name of participating in the tournament. Atleast there was something good in this whole mess.

The next five minutes where simply spent by various people congratulating all three of them. Severus recognized some of them. They were the Heads of different Magical Departments of both France and wizarding UK.

"Bravo Severus! I knew you had it in you!" Slughorn gushed happily. He was proud that the Hogwarts Champion was a Slytherin. It would shut the mouths of many. Their house was also the house of ambition and cunning. The purity of blood was something which was ingrained in the minds of everyone as the definable quality of House Slytherin. But it was not so!

Their House was much more than a House filled with blood purists.

He couldn't be more proud of his charge at this moment. A Slytherin was going to represent Hogwarts. It will knock sense to many people head's now.

"Thank you Professor," Severus replied calmly – fully well knowing the reasons behind his Professor's excitement. He couldn't fault the man. Slughorn may not show it but he did was a 'softie' at heart.

"Congratulations Mr Prince. I wish you good fortunes for the tournament." Dumbledore spoke up with a small smile and his usual twinkling eyes. Severus was a skilled and talented wizard among his peers. He didn't thought that he will face much challanges in this tournament. It would also be interesting to see Mr Prince's date and his opening dance. The ball was going to be something where he will have to come out of his shell. Albus really hoped that the young Prince lose some of his uptightness. It would help him to enjoy life a little.

Severus meanwhile simply nodded and thanked Dumbledore back. He wouldn't put past Dumbledore to not have a plan already in his old head for him.

The other Hogwarts Professors too congratulated him and Severus simply thanked them too.

Fifteen minutes later...

Severus was walking back to the Slytherin common room. He had finished dealing with the people congratulating him and was excused from the meeting along with the two champions.

His first thought was to head to Astronomy tower to head for some alone time. He wanted to dig deep into the matter of his involvement in the Tournament. He hadn't put his name into the Goblet. So it was someone else who had put his name into it.

His mind went to the Gryffindors. Black was an obvious option along with Potter. They had motives to do so.

Or was it someone else's work..... Someone whom he never considered.

He was confused.

Nonetheless the champions were announced and he was bound magically to compete in the tournament.

He finally reached his destination.

"Serpent," he said softly and the wall parted itself to reveal the Slytherin common room to him.

As soon as the wall parted, he entered inside embracing himself for the next event.

He was instantly engulfed in arm hugs from nearly everyone of his year and his seniors. They all were congratulating him for the selection. He looked around and saw liquors and firewhiskey in the hands of everyone of senior years. The younger years were having butterbeer glasses with them. For the first time in evening did he break his composure.

He smiled. It felt good to have them so supporting for him.

"For our newest Hogwarts Champion who happens to be from our house!" John said from besides him as he gave the another glass of firewhiskey in his hands to him.

Everyone gave a toast of celebration at that as Severus himself gulped the firewhiskey in his hands. His throat burned a little but he was already accustomed to it.

"For me," He spoke raising the next full glass in the air which he took from the floating serving table.

Some of them laughed at his words while some smiled simply. But everyone toasted again heartily.

Severus smiled softly looking at the members present besides him. Somehow it was not going to be that bad – he thought inwardly.

Three Hours Later...

It was around 2 in the night. Nearly everyone of Hogwarts were asleep bar the ghosts.

Severus looked at the night sky with a sigh. He was sitting on the window of the Astronomy Tower simply thinking over the whole day.

For some reason gazing at the night sky gave him a soothing feeling like no other. It was like, as if he could be simply free under the night sky. The tensions and stress were reduced by a huge margin when he spent his time for himself.

Today was also such day. He was sitting with five bottles of firewhiskey hoping to get drunk. He was already planning to bunk the classes for the whole year as of now.

There was no use to spend his time here. He could use the time to strengthen his business outside.

His mind went on to Alice then. How could he make her understand about this? Did she too thought that he had participated himself.

Even Laena and everyone in Slytherin thought that.

He suddenly felt the door being opened at that moment.

He turned his back to see the man when the person gave a startled yelp.

"Prince, are you trying to commit suicide?" He heard the scared voice of Narcissa Black.

Severus was amused at her words.

"I am simply drinking Miss Black." He replied politely. Unlike the rest of the family, Severus respected Narcissa Black. She was a perfect Slytherin. Ambitious, cruel when needed, cunning and a perfect opportunist.

"Hmm. I didn't knew that you had a fetish for drinking at places where you could simply fell to death." Narcissa commented dryly looking at his sitting place.

She had followed him quietly. She had guessed correctly it seemed. He visited Astronomy tower everyday during night. She didn't knew his reason to visit but she did had seen him packing six bottles of firewhiskey today discretely during the party in the common room. Seeing it had made her suspicions become true.

"Well I have never fallen till now," Severus replied with a small smile as he looked at the youngest Black daughter.

"Would you like to have a drink?" He asked looking at her with a small inquisitive smile. It would be rude to not offer a drink. Besides he was curious about her reasons to visit Astronomy tower this night.

Narcissa looked at him for a moment before nodding her head in acceptance.

Severus conjured another glass out of air for Narcissa and started to fill it with firewhiskey.

"Water?" He asked looking at her.

"No." Narcissa denied. She wanted to have something strong. She had never faced a situation like this. She wanted to have some alone time with Prince so that she could start on her plan to gain his affections.

She had planned everything carefully. She had gathered tips from various sources. The witch weekly, some wizarding romance books and even a letter from her mother detailing her more about this and some discreet tips. The last which embarassed her like never before. She cursed her fate for the whole situation. If she wasn't successful in her endeavours then she was going to be punished for her failure by thr Dark Lord himself.

Severus holded out the glass to her. Narcissa took the glass and leaned on the wall while Severus simply sat in between the open window like earlier.

"The Night sky is so soothing," Narcissa spoke first breaking the silence between them. She took a sip of alcohol from her glass. The alcohol burned her throat a little but it was a welcoming feeling to her.

"It is." Severus replied in affirmation as he looked upwards to the sky.

"Are you scared of heights Miss Black?" He asked looking at her with a small impish smirk on his face.

Narcissa didn't knew what to make of that. She didn't knew what to expect but she was not going to back out now.

"No." She replied back looking at him with a calm face.

"Follow me then." Severus replied with a small smirk. He wanted to make Narcissa a little unsettled so that he could gaze inside her motives. Narcissa was talented in masking her emotions and thoughts, it was not going to be easy. The only way to do that, would be doing something which would unsettle her a little.

He got up gently from the window and came inside the room. His eyes went to the stairs to the farthest window which was adjacent to the lower slope of the roof. The window was one of the ways to enter the rooftop via the steep balcony below the window. A careful jump from the window latch to the roof was enough for climbing to roof. Another was to come via the balcony which joined the lower part of the slope of roof and the window.

Narcissa was a little unsettled seeing him climbing to the roof easily.

She was more confused when he stopped there to see if she was following. She settled herself and her fear of heights, she daringly started to climb to the roof with calm breaths.

When she finally climbed to the roof, she was met by an amused look from him.

"What?" She asked with a frown.

"Didn't thought that you would do it." Severus replied back to her with an amused smile on his face.

Narcissa didn't replied anything. She simply gave him a dry look which he laughed off softly. Narcissa was a little amused. She had never seen him act such freely to anyone. Even with Greengrass and his friends, he simply remained calm and relaxed.

He was so carefree at this moment. It then clicked to her. The reason behind his nightly visits to astronomy tower. He liked to have this time for himself. To be alone and to be carefree a little. It amazed her a little.

Severus then proceeded to sit there. He gazed at the grounds and the vast area of Hogwarts. He had sat here before.

This place was one of his favourite in Hogwarts. A place where he lounged around in night.

He felt Narcissa gently besides him.

He heard the pouring sound of liquor and couldn't help but be amused a little. Narcissa Black was making a drink for both of them.

He looked towards her sideways and picked the offered glass of firewhiskey. It felt good to drink with someone in the roof at the dead of night.

"You didn't entered yourself." It was not a question but a simple affirmation from her.

Severus was shocked at the words. How could she was able to read him.

"You are not a gloryhound Prince. It is one quality I am sure about you." Narcissa explained looking at his slight stunned gaze and expecting the next question.

Severus breathed out with a sigh.

"You are right." He admitted to her.

How could Narcissa Black read him so well when even Laena and his dorm mates were wrong about him.

"So how are you going to tackle the rounds?" Narcissa asked looking at him inquisitively.

"No sympathy or sorry about me?" Severus asked a little amused as he looked at her.

"You are not someone who loves other people's pity on you. You are a proud wizard Prince. Something which I like about you." Narcissa replied back with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Hmm..... " Severus replied. "Well, I don't know yet. The first task is a surprise even for us." He continued on.

"Ohh.." Narcissa replied with an understanding tone as she filled their empty glasses again.

Narcissa gently started to steer the topics as they both started to drink more and more.

An hour later...

Finally the alcohol had started to take its effect on Narcissa who started to found herself little tipsy. Though she masked her reactions well, Severus was able to recognise the signs of her tipsiness.

"Narcissa, we should go." He said a little gently. He didn't want to get her more intoxicated than as of now. Together they had finished four bottles as of now.

"Huhhh! You are righ.. t" Narcissa said with a tight lipped expression on her face. She had managed to make herself on a first name basis with him. She was impressed by him heavily.

Narcissa tried to get up but the alcohol had started to worm its effects. Her feet stumbled and she fell on the roof. The slope made her roll instantly and she suddenly found herself flung off the roof to the grounds.

Narcissa dreadfully watched the widened and stunned gaze of Severus at her fall. Everything was happening in slow motion for her.

Was her death coming for her. Who would have thought that Narcissa Black would die falling off the roof and landing 300 feet below on hard ground.

She closed her eyes in fear. She suddenly felt a magic taking effect on her body and slowing her in the air. The next thing she felt was a warm embrace around her body.

She opened her eyes instantly and found her face in between Severus' shoulders and his nape.

She realised that he had perhaps casted an arresto momentum on her.

They continued to fall for a split second before she felt a jerk in her body.

She looked sideways only to see the impossible. Inplace of going down, they were strangely going up. It was as, if they were flying.

She looked to see Severus holding her in his arms. It clicked her to the moment. He was flying along with her. They were flying completely unaided.

She found ground under her feet once again and was a little disappointed to be free of his embrace. His embrace had made her felt safe and welcome.

"Are you okay Narcissa?" He asked looking at her with concerned eyes.

"I am.." She breathed out after a moment of collecting back herself.

Narcissa saw the concern in his eyes. Strangely she felt happy seeing so much concern and care in his eyes for her. He was even checking anywhere for injuries.

At that moment she honestly felt that perhaps the task given by the Dark Lord was not a curse to her. If she would have those caring eyes for herself all her life, then it was all worth it for her.


Send some powerstones........