65) Don't know

Alice looked around the common room of her house. Nearly all of the students were discussing about the events of this evening.

"Don't they have anything else to discuss?" Hermione spoke up with a tired tone. She was fed off of after hearing everyone gossip about the champions.

"Come on Hermione. Everyone knows Prince is a top notch duellist. They all are excited to see who will win among the champions." Marlene spoke excitedly from her seat besides Alice.

"But it's gotten annoying. Look even Frank seems to be in a bad state after not being selected as a champion." Hermione said looking over to the figure of Frank Longbottom who was brooding in a corner. He was surrounded by the Marauders, Harry, Ron and his own group of friends who were trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah! But the goblet of fire chooses someone worthy. If it has chosen Prince, then what more can we do now?" Marlene pointed out.

Hermione had to supress a frown at that. She too knew that the goblet chooses someone worthy only. If Severus was choosen, then it meant that Severus was a better choice than Ron, James, Sirius and Frank. All of them had entered their names inside the goblet.

She looked around and even saw some loud protests against a Slytherin being their champion. She rolled her eyes at them.

"Well Prince is skilled." She commented with a small agreement at Marlene's words.

"And hot!" Marlene butted in.

"Marlene!" Mary exclaimed – she was sitting next to Marlene.

"What?" Marlene replied back with a smirk. "Just because you have set your sights on Harry, it doesn't mean that you can't check out other people." She continued on winking at Mary.

Mary rolled her eyes at her words.

"Besides Prince is a fine specimen. He has such a smooth voice!" Marlene said with a dreamy sigh.

"Well you are right on that Marlene. I find his eyes attractive more though. Imagine him towering above your form in bed. Playing with your body.... Gazing with those black eyes which feel like endless tunnels – while he ravish you hard making eye contact all that time." Dorcas spoke up in a dreamy voice. She had gotten quite a crush on the cold and inapproachable boy of Slytherin, who was also their vice captain.

Alice felt a huge bout of anger at Dorcas' words. Thankfully Lily's loud gasp at those words didn't let anyone notice her expression. She composed herself.

Severus was a handsome teenager. Nobody could deny, that he was one of the most desirable teen in wizarding world now with his fortune.

"Dorcas you sly bitch!" Marlene said happily as she took Dorcas in a hug.

"What do you say Dor? Let's rope Prince in a threesome with me and you?" Marlene spoke up with a pout on her face.

"Marlene, Dorcas!" Lily exclaimed scandalized. It was bad enough to hear some glorified bodily details of her ex friend. But to hear talks about him in sex and threesome was too much even for her. Her mind though started to control mental images of her ex friend naked and in the depicted scenario.

"Come on Lils. Wait..." Marlene suddenly said as she looked at her friends. Hermione was red faced while Alice was having a blank expression. Mary was laughing hysterically at her and Dorcas' words and actions.

"How come Prince got so hot in a summer? I mean you and he broke off your friendship. Did he just changed abruptly, out of blue just due to it. It shouldn't happen. My intuitions says, he is trying to make you jealous." Marlene said looking at Lily with an eager smile.

Lily pondered over Marlene's words while Alice clenched her fists tightly around her seat. No she couldn't overreact at such a time.

"I don't think so." Lily denied weekly. The prospect that Severus changed simply due to her was something which gave her joy to no end. However she didn't knew if it was right or not. As such, she simply kept her silence.

Hermione had learnt about the earlier friendship between Lily Evans and Severus. She didn't knew what to say as such she had never broached the topic with Ron and Harry. She honestly decided to never broach this topic infront of Harry.

"Well there's always a chance that you are wrong." Alice pointed out calmly. She was in a bad enough mood to hear about her boyfriend as a sex object.

"Well. Or it could be due to Laena Greengrass. Nearly everyone are saying that they are a couple." Marlene said after a moment of silence on her part.

Alice composed herself. On one hand she was angry at such rumours but on the other hand she felt pity on Laena.

Severus had explained the position of Laena to him. They had talked about this before. Her house was one of the major house that was trying to remain neutral in the whole conflict. He had explained how she was giving her house's support to the various other halfblood students in Slytherin. Alice was impressed by Laena then. She had trust in Severus.

However she also lacked a little trust in Laena. Laena was a Heiress. As such she needed a worthy consort. She couldn't think but feel a little worried about the possibility. She was extremely beautiful and had a voluptuous developing figure too. However she had already entered in a relationship with Severus knowing fully well that she might had to share him someday.

He had told her about his various heirships before they entered in a relationship. She had belief in him as he never treated her as an obligation. She had the choice to either share him to various ladies or bear him four sons. She didn't want to admit but her mind was leaning to the latter. She was a little uncomfortable about thinking him with other women.

She knew that even in such case, he won't diminish his care towards her. Severus was not unjust like that. He won't do something like that to anyone. Either he will cherish everyone equally or else he will have his affections to a single one.

She didn't knew if she would be able to bear the feeling of him being with other women. She didn't knew what it will do to her. A small part like the thought of having sister wives but the other major part of her wanted to be possesive and have him only for her.

She sighed inwardly. It was perhaps time she put the book of 'Kamasutra' to use.


'Meet me early morning at the fifth floor' Alice scribbled in the notebook. She wasn't surprised when some minutes later, words started to form on the notebook.

'I will be there.' 'Can't talk more now. Housemates are celebrating' came the next words on the notebook.

Alice smiled seeing the words. This diary was an enchanted one. They usually talked with the help of this diary. The pair of diaries were charmed to have a connection between them. Whatever she wrote here, Severus could read it too from his diary and vice versa. They usual talked between classes like this.

She was a little happy learning that Severus was being celebrated in his house. She too wanted to join but then thought that perhaps his celebration included drinks and other boys stuff.


Severus looked at the clock. It was 6 AM in the morning. Laena had joined him for the morning run, though he had ended the run early today.

Alice had wrote about meeting him in fifth floor last night. He didn't want to miss their meeting. Alice never called this early to meet. She was hardly an early riser, as such it meant that something was urgent.

He exited the common room and walked through the empty corridors to the fifth floor.

He entered to the last room in the corner besides the tapestry of Henry VI.

He peeked inside the room and was relieved to see Alice sitting dressed in uniforms. She was sitting on the desk leaning against the wall.

He entered inside and immediately closed the door. He then casted strong notice me not charms on the door accompanied with some dark locking charms.

Once his work was finished, he looked to meet the eyes of Alice which had been observing his actions.

"Did you participated in the Tournament yourself?" Alice asked looking at Severus with worry evident in her blue eyes. She knew Severus was no gloryhound and if he had done itself, he would have told her about it.

"No." Was the only reply from him.

Alice moved forward and pulled him in a hug.

Severus simply embraced her back. He relished in the feeling of her arms, never wanting it to end. The feeling of his chest against the soft one of hers. The two globes of flesh making the hug more enjoyable to him.

"Are you afraid?" Alice asked gently as they broke the hug.

Severus took her in a side hug as they both sat on the desk.

"No." Severus replied back as Alice leaned on to him. Her head was on his shoulder as his hand gripped the side of her waist.

"People have died Severus...!" Alice spoke in fear.

"I am not going to die." Severus spoke with a small soft laugh at the prospect of death.

"I won't play fair Alice." Severus said with a small mischievous smile.

Alice didn't knew what to think of that smile. It gave her a sense of foreboding. Regardless she still was not going to let him be overconfident and get it to his head.

"Still. Promise to be careful." Alice said with a little worry in her voice.

"I will be babe." Severus said in assurance. He looked at her relieved blue eyes.

"Did you found out who put the name?" Alice asked looking at him.

"No. Also, I am not going to try to find him/her. I don't have time for it. Whoever might have did it, it doesn't matter now. I will have to compete in it." Severus said with a small reassuring smile looking at her.

"Don't worry. You can still find a silver lining in it. Atleast now I will be the date of Hogwarts champion. We will have the first dance," Alice jokingly spoke out.

"Ofcourse babe." Severus replied back with an amused smile. He gently pecked her on her lips.

Alice smiled as she kissed him back the next moment. She wasn't going to be satisfied with a simple peck.

Severus eagerly complied to the unsaid request as he moved her lips against his.

Both of them started to make out with each other. The kiss grew deeper as their hands roamed on each other bodies.

Severus gently broke apart in need of air. He looked at the flushed state of Alice and grinned at her.

She simply raised her eyebrow as she undid the first three buttons of her Hogwarts shirt.

Severus was amazed. It seemed Alice was in the mood for a little exploration today. He surely wasn't going to say 'no' to such an exciting offer.

Alice took his hands in her own as she put them against her chest. Severus couldn't believe his luck as she gently placed them on her breasts.

He felt the soft flesh of hers and looked carefully at her.

"Go on." Alice said in agreement as Severus gently squeezed them.

Alice couldn't help but moan at the sensation inside her body due to that.

Severus kissed Alice once again as his right hand remained in her chest area, squeezing the two soft breasts of hers in succession in between the kisses.


Severus walked to the Great Hall. Alice had exited out of the room earlier than him. He had stayed to depart later. He still couldn't believe his luck today. His morning had started with a nice makeout session which involved groping today. Surely it wasn't that bad for him.

He entered the Great Hall impassively never bothering to see the excited looks and whispers aimed at him. Even the faculty members, the additional staff and the members of other schools were present in the hall.

He suddenly heard a loud voice from Gryffindor table whom he always had the misfortune to cross first.

"Snivellus, how come a slimy Slytherin be the Hogwarts champion. The goblet surely made a mistake." He heard the loud voice of ex Black Heir.

"Black." He said calmly turning to him. Nearly all of the Hogwarts students had stopped their talks when they saw him turning back to talk to Black. If there was one thing known to everyone, it was that both Severus and Marauders never failed to entertain them with their fights. So they were eager to watch an entertaining fight this early in the morning.

"Don't your arse ever get jealous of your mouth with the amount of shit you spew with it it."


Send some powerstones.