Ch. 1 online school problems

I get woken up by my alarm "Ugh I hate my alarm it wakes me up so early" I think to myself rolling off my bed turning off my alarm I walk to the bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror "I wish I could go class as a wolf but people would freak out if I did" I think to myself shifting to my human form and I walk to my computer and I log into my first class

"Hello class. today we're not doing anything much, if at all. just talk among yourselves" the teacher says. Everyone is talking about random things, and I just doze off for the rest of the class.

I open my eyes and I'm in a wonderland "woah I'm lucid dreaming awesome" I think to myself running around

A pony walks up and starts saying "James wake up James wake up"

I wake up "what's going on I'm up" I say

"Class ended a minute ago you can leave" the teacher says

"Sorry I was tired I didn't get much sleep last night" I say

"It's alright, just go on to your next class" the teacher says.

I leave my class.

"right first class went fine. now to get through the rest of the classes without shifting easy" I think to myself.

My next class, mr. Johnson. he's always making everyone's class experience horrible.

"Hello class. today we're taking a quiz, hope everyone studied for the test today" mr. Johnson says.

"Oh great, a test just what I needed right now" I think to myself.

"Alright class, I just posted the quiz. good luck everyone" mr. Johnson says.

I open the test "Jesus! we never learned this, I'm so going to fail this test" I think to myself. I feel the Familiar pain when my body needs to shift "why do I have to shift during a test, why?" I think to myself "mr. Johnson, can I use the bathroom?" I say.

"I don't know James, can you?" mr. Johnson says.

"Fine may I use the bathroom

"Alright James go ah-" mr. Johnson gets cut off by me saying,

"Great thanks bye" I say as I rush to the bathroom. I get into the bathroom and I notice my tail "Oh that's embarrassing I hope no one saw that while I was running" I think to myself.

"Yo guys did you see a tail on James for a second" Nate says.

"Of course Nate notices. he always wants to find a way to embarrass me" I think to myself. when I look in the mirror "oh, a wolf in the mirror. damn I look good!" I think to myself "man I need to stop thinking to myself like this".

"James can you hurry up in there, it's been like 25 minutes" mr. Johnson says.

"Jesus it's been 25 minutes already" I think to myself "alright, I think I'm rested enough to shift back to a human" I think to myself, shifting back as i walk to my computer.

"James, why were you in the bathroom for so long?" mr.Johnson says.

"Why are you asking me this?" I say.

"I just wanted to know why you were gone for so long" mr. Johnson says.

"I just had to use the bathroom I'm not going to disclose what I did in there" I say.

"Oh, alright then I just wanted you to make sure you are alright" mr. Johnson says.

"James, are you a furry?" Nate says.

"What, no" I say.

"Well, seeing a tail on you says otherwise" Nate says.

"Ok fine. I am a furry, deal with it" I say.

Everyone in the class starts laughing. "oh man, I can't believe you're a furry" Nate says.

I ignore him and finish my test "alright, at least I finished my test" I think to myself.

"Alright class. since everyone finished their tests, everyone can leave the meeting" mr. Johnson says.

I leave class "one more class then I'm done for the day" I think to myself.

I look at my last class stream "oh sweet, no class today" I think to myself.

After school I get a text from jack "yo, James are you still coming to my sleepover?".

"Yea I'll be there, just pick me up around 5 pm" I text back.

"Alright man see you then" jack texts back.

"I completely forgot about the sleepover, it's going to be bad if I have to shift there" i think to myself.