I look at my phone and I see that it's 5pm "jack should be here soon" I think to myself as he pulls his car i front of my house
"Hey James let's get going" jack says waving to me from the car window
I get into the car with jack "hey jack how's it going?" I say
"I'm fine what's been what up with you?" Jack says
"Nothing much just school you know how it is" I say
"I bet I would pay so much money just for something interesting to happen" jack says
"Yea but nothing interesting never happens here just saying" I say
"Yea I know but maybe something will happen soon" jack says
Jack starts driving to his house "so how long have you been driving for?" I say
"I got my license a few weeks ago" jack says
"That's cool" I say
"Yea the test was hard but I managed" jack says
"That's good who are your friends?" I say
"Oh that's Lewis and Tommy some old friends of mine" jack says
"What's up James" Lewis says
"Great another one of your friends" Tommy says
"It's nice to meet you two" I say
"Yea whatever" Tommy says
Jack pulls up to the front of his house "alright we're here" jack says getting out of the car
"I don't trust you James I used to be jacks best friend until you took him from me I have my eyes on you" Tommy says getting out of the car
"Don't mind Tommy he's like this to everyone except me" Lewis says
"Yea he seems like such a great guy" I say sarcastically
"Was that sarcasm?" Lewis says
"Yes it was" I say
Me and Lewis get out of the car "I'll see you inside" Lewis says walking towards jacks house
I start walking towards the door and I get stopped by jack "James can we talk for a minute?" Jack says
"Yea sure" I say
"Well someone sent me a video of you with a tail you mind explaining?" jack says
"What are you talking about?" I say
Jack shows me the video of me in my online class quickly running to the bathroom "now can you explain?" Jack says
"Umm look I can't explain but don't worry about it" I say with a bit of nervousness in my voice
"Alright whatever you say" jack says looking at me suspiciously
"Is that all?" I say
"Yea that's all" jack say walking into his house
I follow him inside "alright just got to get through this sleepover without shifting easy I hope" I think to myself getting a cup of water
time skip a few hours later
I start to feel pain in my stomach "I need to hide before I shift" I think to myself as I quickly walk towards the bathroom but I get stopped by Tommy
"Where do you think you're going?" Tommy says
"The bathroom I really have to go" I say
"Alright go ahead" Tommy says
I rush into the bathroom and I lock the door "that was close" I think to myself shifting into my dragon form
Someone knocks on the door "James you alright in there?" Jack says through the door
"Yep I'm fine" I say in a raspy tone
"what's up with your voice?" Jack says
"Sore throat" i says
"That sucks get better soon" jack says
My wings starts bumping into stuff around the bathroom "I completely forgot about my wings hitting everything" I think to myself
"What's going on in there I heard stuff falling" jack says
"I'm just bumping into things it happens" I say
"Alright just hurry up in there" jack says
Time skip 25 minutes later
"Alright I think I'm good to change back" I think to myself shifting back to my human form
I unlock the bathroom door and leave the bathroom "James you're back you alright?" Jack says
"yea I'm fine I just had to use the bathroom," I say
"alright I just wanted to know if you were alright," jack says
"Hey how about a movie?" I say trying to change the subject
"Oh yea great idea you have any movies in mind?" Jack says
"Home alone a Christmas classic" I say
"I love that movie I'll get it set up" Jack says going over to his DVD player and he puts in a disc
"Alright everyone in the living room we're watching movies" I say
Lewis and Tommy come into the living room "what are we watching?" Lewis says
"Home alone have you watched it before?" I say
"Watched it me and my family watches it every year" Lewis says
"I never watched it I never had time me and family always had work to do" Tommy says
"What kind of work?" I say
"I hunt for a living you wouldn't believe some of the things I've hunted in my life I basically hunted every kind of animal on this planet" Tommy says
"Interesting" I say
"Yea it is" Tommy says looking at me suspiciously
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I say
"I swear I've seen you before I just don't remember when I did" Tommy says
"I just have one of those faces you know" I say
"Alright then" Tommy says
Time skip a few hours later
"Alright it's getting late I'm going to sleep goodnight" Tommy says laying down on one of the couches and falling asleep
"Yea same night you guys" Lewis getting into a sleeping bag on the floor and falling asleep
"Night James see you in the morning" jack says laying on the couch in front of the tv and eh falls asleep
I lay on the couch in the back of the living room and sleep pulls me away a few minutes later