I wake up at 9:00 am with everyone staring at me with shock "why are you all staring at me like that?" I say
"did that wolf just talk?" Jack says with shock in his voice
"what are you talking about it's me, James," I say in a growling tone
"you're not James tell where he is right now or else I'm calling animal control," Jack says
"I can explain alright Jack," I say trying to calm him down
"how do you know my name?" he askes in shock
"because I'm James," I say as I'm getting up
"prove it then," jacks says as he backs away from me
"Alright then," I say then I shift into a human in front of everyone
"This is a dream right?" Jack says backing away from me
"No this is very real" I say
"Now I remember you" Tommy says
"What are you talking about?" I say
"Two years ago I was out hunting with my dad I got lost and got attacked by a bear and a wolf with the same fur color as you scared it off you even led me back to my dad and I just wanted to say thank you for that" Tommy says
"Oh that's who you were well you're welcome" I say
"Ok I have a ton of questions over what just happened" Lewis says
"Yea same here" jack says
"Alright ask away" I say
"First off what are you?" Jack says
"Well if I tell I do tell you guys you cannot tell anyone you got it?" I say
"Yea got it" jack says
"Good now that I can trust you guys you're ready to know what I am" I say
"Oh my god out with it already" jack says
"Alright I'm a shapeshifter I can turn into basically any animal as long as I have seen a photo of it" I reply
"That's Umm I'm not sure how to feel about that" jack says
"Oh that's why I couldn't find you after you saved me" Tommy says
"I'm very confused right now" Lewis says
"I know you all are very confused and have a ton of questions so ask right now I'm ready" I say
"Alright I'll ask first how does it feel when you change?" Tommy says
"It's hard to explain but I had to get used to having tails and wings on my body it was very weird but I'm used to it" I say
"Also what was that blue flash around your body?" Jack says
"Oh that I'm not sure I'm assuming it's my aura when I shift" I say
"Alright that makes sense" jack says
"Alright I need to ask something can you stay human forever or do you have to shift from time to time?" Lewis says
"I can only stay human for a few hours I don't know why that's just how it is" I say
"What would happen if you pushed past your time limit in human form?" Lewis says
"Well I get sick to where I can't change back to my human form for a few days it's a real inconvenience" I say
"who else knows about you besides us?" Jack says
"no one else" I say
"Even your parents don't know" Jack says
"yea they don't know and I want to keep it that way" I say
"so the reason why you went to the bathroom is that you had to shift?" Jack says
"yea" I say
"What did you shift into when you were in the bathroom?" jack says
"a dragon" I say
"wait really I thought those didn't exist and you can shift into one that's so cool I wish I was a shapeshifter myself," Jack says excitedly
"well it isn't all good I can literally smell everything which sometimes can be bad and my hearing is really sensitive," I say
"alright last question how long have you been able to shift for?"jack says
"5 years ago" I say
"you have some experience then?" jack says
"yea since I have a lot of experience I can manipulate my body to change my size" I say
"Is it painful when you manipulate your body size?" jack says
"Not really it kinda hurts it wasn't as bad when I first started doing it" I say
"Alright that's all we wanted to ask" jack says
"Well I got to get home my parents want me home early you know how it is" I say
"Yea I get bye James have a good day" Jack says
"Yea it was nice meeting you" Lewis says
"It's good to know that you were the one that saved my life no hard feelings" Tommy says
"It's cool don't worry about it" I say waving goodbye
I leave jacks house and I start walking home and I get a text from my mom "James we're going to a family dinner tonight can you get home soon?" Molly texts
"Yea I'm heading home right now" I text back
"Great see you soon" molly texts
I arrive home and my mom opens the door for me "hey mom I'm back" I say
"Great you need to get ready" molly say
"Why are we leaving soon?" I say
"Yea I just thought you could spend more time with your cousins" molly says
"Seriously?" I say
"Yes you've spending a lot of time alone" molly says
"Alright fine when are we leaving?" I say
"A few minutes so change your clothes and we'll be off" molly says
"Alright I will" I say walking to my room and I look through my closet for some clothes that look decent
My mom comes in my room "seriously you can't find something decent to wear?" Molly says picking out a pair of clothes for me to wear
"Seriously my polo I wore when I went golfing with dad and white jeans oh my lord you have something wrong with you" I say
"You pick something then" molly says
I pick out some black shorts and a shirt with a dragon on it "I want to wear this" I say
"I don't get your obsession with dragons they don't exist" molly says
"They're real trust me" I say
"Yea with your big imagination" molly says leaving my room
I put the clothes I picked out on "not a bad fit if I do say so myself" I think to myself leaving my room
"Alright let's go" molly says
Me and my mom walk out to her car and we get in it "so how are you doing?" I say
"I'm good I got word that your cousins wanted to speak with you about something important" molly says
"Oh alright" I say
Molly starts driving to my family's house