Ch.4 cousin day

We arrive at the house "I'm so not looking forward to this" I say

"It'll be fine they'll be happy to see you" molly says

"Yea sure I'll go knock on the door" i say

"Alright I'll be there in a few minutes" molly says

I go to the door and i knock on it "alright just stay calm I got this" I think to myself

Nick opens the door "hello James how are you?" Nick says

"I'm fine how about you?" I say

"I'm good I'm so happy you're here" Nick says

"I bet where is everyone else?" I say

"They're out for the day so it's just going to be me A.J and molly" Nick says

"Alright that's fine" I say

"So we wanted to talk to you about a video that's been making it's rounds on the internet" Nick says

"What video?" I say

"Dude you haven't seen it oh man I wish I'd known you were a furry before I saw this video" Nick says

"I have seen it and it's very embarrassing" I say

"Yea and I feel like there's more going on that you're not telling me" Nick says

"What are you talking about?" I say

"I have a feeling that you're hiding something big" Nick says

"Well you better get rid of that feeling because I got nothing to hide" I say

"You have something to hide I live with people that work with animal control and the tail that you had in that video looked really real so there's something you're hiding from me and I'm going to find out what it is" Nick says

"That video is edited to make me look like that" I say

"it doesn't take a smart person to figure out that it isn't edited" Nick says

"Make fun of me all you want I don't care" I say

"What I wasn't I wish you would've told me though" Nick says

"Yea also sorry for not visiting more often I've been very busy with school and all that" I say

"Right sure you have anyways come on in A.J is in the living room" Nick says

I walk inside the house "it's nice to know the house hasn't changed" I say

"Yea a nice classic look that hasn't changed since you were a baby" Nick says

"Yea I know it brings back memories" I say

"Cool shirt where did you get it?" Nick says

"I got it at a store a little while ago" I say

"Interesting I never seen you take interest into fantasy before you're definitely hiding something" Nick says

"Dude I'm not hiding anything stop asking" I say

"Alright I'll stop asking now we need to catch up we haven't talked in so long" Nick says

Me and Nick walk to the living room and we sit on the couch "wow this couch is comfortable" I say

"Yea I know I sometimes fall asleep here because of how comfortable it is" Nick says

"So what have you been up to?" I say

"I've been helping my parents catch rabid animals and all that stuff it's pretty fun but a little dangerous" Nick says

"Sounds cool" I say

"Yea it does if you don't mind the risks" Nick says

"So where is A.J?" I say

"Him he's making dinner very early" Nick says

"What is he making?" I say

"A beef stew it takes about 6 hours to cook" Nick says

"Sounds good can't wait" I say

My mom walks in "hey Nick how are you?" Molly says

"I'm good just catching up with James" Nick says

"That's good if you need me I'll be in the kitchen" molly says walking into the kitchen

Time skip a few hours later

I start to feel pain in my stomach "hey Nick where's the bathroom?" I say

"Down the hall to the left" Nick says

"Thank you" I say rushing towards the bathroom and i lock myself inside

I shift into a dragon and one of wings knocks one of the vases off a cabinet after a few seconds Nick knocks on the door "hey what was that I heard something break" Nick says

"Everything is fine just knocked something over on accident" I say

"What's up with your voice are you alright" Nick says

"I'm fine just leave" I say

"Alright man Jesus I'm just making sure you're alright" Nick says

"It's cool I'll be out soon" I say

"Alright hurry up then" Nick says walking away from the door

20 minutes later "alright I feel good enough I should head out" I think to myself shifting back to my human form and i leave the bathroom and i walk back to the living room

"What took you so long?" Nick says

"Why are you asking me that I just had to go is that a problem?" I say

"No it's just weird how long it took to use the bathroom" Nick says

"Yea so what I can go for as long as I want" i say

"Well what was that crashing noise in the bathroom?" Nick says

"I accidentally knocked over a vase" I say

"How there's no way to knock it over unless you are really clumsy" Nick says

"Yea it was an accident I hope you can forgive me for it" I say

"Yea don't worry that vase was worthless" Nick says

"Oh alright cool" I say

"I'll be right back" Nick says walking to the hallway

"I wonder what he's doing" I think to myself

Nick comes out a few minutes later with something in his hand "you mind explaining this?" Nick says showing me a scale

"What even is that?" I say

"I don't know but it looks like a scale and it seems to match the color of the dragon on your shirt" Nick says

"Yea so what's that got to do with me?" I say

"I don't know but I will find out eventually" Nick says

"Yea keep telling yourself that" I say

A.J comes out of the kitchen with a pot of stew "alright dinner is ready come and get it" A.J says

"Sweet I was getting hungry" I say

"Let's eat" Nick says

A.J puts the food on the table and we all take our seats around the table "this looks delicious" I say

"Eat up before it gets cold" A.J says

I grab a bowl and i put the stew in it and I start eating "wow this is really good" I say

"I know me and molly put some new ingredients in it" A.J says

"Really whatever it is it's really good" I say

Time skip after dinner

"That was really good thank you very much" molly says

"You're welcome anytime" A.J says

"It was great seeing you guys again but we have to go" molly says

"Alright catch you guys later" Nick says

Me and my mom leave the house "did you have a good time?" Molly says

"Yea I guess" I say

"That's great let's go home" molly says

"Sounds great" I say

Me and my mom get in her car and we drive home "so what did you and Nick talk about?" Molly says

"We just caught up you know how it is" I say

"That's great" molly says

We arrive home "so how is A.J?" I say

"He's good he's learning cooking which is pretty cool" molly says

"He is that's good" I say

"Anyways I got some stuff to take care of I'll see you later" molly says

I get out of the car and my mom drives off and i walk inside the house "alright I'm home time to get some sleep" I think to my walking to my room and i lay on my bed and i fall asleep