Ch.7 exposed during class

I wake up at 8:37 am I got up from my bed and I got ready for school I brushed my teeth and I put some casual clothes on at 8:55 am I shifted into a human and I got into my class right at 9:00 am my first period went by well. It was 4th period and before mr.Johnson got to talk Mitch starts to talk "guys you won't believe it last night I was at my party and a dragon just came out of nowhere and crashed it I barely made it out of there" Mitch says

"That's not what happened at all but he'll say what he wants I guess" I think to myself

"Mitch you probably hit your head or something because last time I checked dragons don't exist" mr.Johnson says

"I swear it was real" Mitch says

"I believe him I was there I saw it" Nate says

"Nate was there too I didn't even notice him yesterday things can't get worse right?" I think to myself

after that little conversation, the class finally started mitch looked scared out of his mind the whole time but good things don't last forever I had to shift but I promised my teacher that I wouldn't go to the bathroom for 20 minutes "this is not good what should I do I think I have to expose myself to the whole class fuck this is not how I wanted this to happen" I turn my camera off and I shift into the dragon from last night "oh shit mitch is going to recognize me straight away" i think to myself I get pulled out of my thoughts as I heard my teacher say

"James can you please turn your camera on, please?," Mr.Johnson asks

"Yea sorry camera is having very bad technical issues" I say

"It's fine just try to fix it as soon as possible" mr. Johnson says

As I'm trying to figure out what to do I accidentally turn on my camera "Uh oh that's not good" I think to myself

"That's the dragon I saw last night but smaller" Mitch says

"Do you mind explaining what is going on please?" Mr Johnson says

"Uhhh yea there's a totally reasonable explanation for this it's for Halloween I like getting ready early" I say

"Dude it's like June Halloween is 5 months away" Nate says

"The truth please we really don't have time for this" mr.Johnson says

"Ok fine you want the truth so be it" I say

"Get on with it please you're dragging this out for way too long" mr. Johnson says

"I'm not human there you happy now" I say

"Wait so you're a furry that's funny" Mitch says

"Mitch I swear to god you keep making fun of me I will make you experience pain like nothing else" I say

"Wait so it was you that ruined my party" Mitch says

"Well you kind of deserve it you've been bullying me for years and I grew tired of it" I say

"That was for fun and you were new back then" Mitch says

"That's not a valid reason" I say

"Alright I'm just going to just close this call we'll continue tomorrow" mr. Johnson says

He closes the call "well everyone knows now this day cannot get worse" I think to myself

I hear rapid footsteps towards my room "James I just got an email that was very interesting" molly says coming towards my room

"And it just got worse" I think to myself shifting back to a human

My mom opens my door "we need to have a talk" molly says